Schedule of CrossFit Athlete Journals:
Mondays – Ingrid Kantola
Wednesdays – Travis Holley
Sundays – Michael Winchester
Michael Winchester – Athlete Journal 6/3/12
(Read Michael’s Bio here)
This is by far the most volume I have ever done in any week of training in my life. Ever.
My body is adapting slowly, but surely, and I am confidently lifting more and heavier weight than ever. For the first three weeks following Regionals, my body was hurting badly. While my knees are still swollen, they do not hurt, and I am hitting PRs and recovering faster than ever.
I can’t wait to see where our team sits after the next four weeks. The only thing I can say for sure is this: it will be awesome.
1) 15 min Jerk technique practice.
Nothing heavy: drill footwork and make sure every lift is fast and clean.
2) 5x200m sprints.
Rest 3:1. All out efforts.
3) 5 rounds of:
- 12 Thrusters @ 115/75#
- 12 UB C2B Pullups
- 50 Double-Unders
Rest 1:1
1) 7X1 Clean & Jerk @ 90% – rest 60-80 sec.
2) Back Squat: 1X8 @ 70%, 1X8 @ 75%, 1X5 @ 85%, 1X5 @ 90%
Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.
3) 5 rounds for reps of:
- 30 sec ME Power Clean @ 205/135#
- 30 sec rest/hold
Notes: 30 sec “rest” should be spent with the BB in the front rack position. There is a 20 Burpee penalty every time the BB is dropped. There is no requirement for UB reps or holding the BB on the Power Cleans.
4) 20 minutes of moderately paced, moderately heavy:
- 100′ Prowler Pushes
- 20 Burpees
- 50′ HS Walk
The preference for section 5 and 6 would be to rest for 2-4 hours before they are performed.
5) 3 rounds for time:
- Run 400m
- 3 Rope Climbs 15′
- 12 OHS 135/95#
6) 10 minutes Airdyne/Row for distance:
- 20 sec ME
- 40 sec active recovery
1) 7X1: 3 position Snatch: low to high.
2a) 4X2 Strict MU + ME Kipping MU – rest 75 sec.
2b) 4X5 DB Strict Press – heavy but no misses, rest 75 sec.
3) 10 minutes ME UB Double-Unders.
Notes: The goal is to get as many large UB sets as possible. Keep track of any sets over 30 reps.
4) 12 minute AMRAP:
- 5 Tire Flips (see notes)
- 20 HR Pushups
- 20 KB Snatch 24/16kg (10l/10r)
Notes: Tire weight should be heavy, but it shouldn’t make you stall. You should be able to keep moving even when fatigued. After flipping the tire, jump through, then flip it back where it came from.
Rest Day
1) 10 minutes to work up to a heavy but not maximal Power Clean & Push Jerk.
2) EMOM for 10 minutes perform 2 Power Clean & Power (Push) Jerks @ 90% of the above.
3a) 4 X 2 1&¼ Front Squats – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.?
3b) 4 X ME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU – regionals standard, rest 60 sec.
Early Session
1) 21-15-9 of:
- Front Squats @ 95/65#
- Burpees
- Pullups
2) 15 minutes of:
- 5 Stones to Shoulder – Heavy
- 10 OH BB Walking Lunges @ 135/95#
- 40′ Monkey Bar Run
This should be about a 75% effort. Use a stone that is heavy enough to be challenging after the first few rounds. Pullup bars may be used for Monkey Bar Runs. Measure off 40′ and try to do each round UB.
Late Session
1) 5 rounds for total working time of:
- Sprint 200m
- 3 Rope Climbs 15′
- 15 UB Push Jerks @ 135/95#
Rest 1:1
2) Row 3 X 500m – ALL OUT, rest 3 minutes between each round
1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
2) 12 min AMRAP of:
- 15 UB T2B
- 50 UB Double-Unders
Rest 15 minutes.
3) 4 rounds for time of:
- 10 Deadlifts 315/225#
- 15 Wall Balls 20/14#
- 20 HR Pushups
4a) 3X10 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 45 sec.
4b) 3X3 TGU – heavy, 3 reps each arm, rest 45 sec.
Rest Day.