Day 204 of 360
Rest as needed between sets. If suitable weight is not available, get creative and make what you have work. Dumbbells, multiple kettlebells in each hand, rope attached to kettlebells, weight vest, deficit set-up, 5/1000 pause at the top of each rep, 10 steps Farmer carry at the top of each lift…
Accumulate as many quality reps as possible, and utilize short, specific rest (3 breaths or less) only as needed. If mechanics fail or position softens, adjust one interval down and continue safely.
1-minute rest, then 24 rounds of:
Time your work. Focus on efficient, high-paced movement and specific breathing.This is a sprint, not a jog; safety considered, there is value to pushing pace, abandoning comfort, and making yourself move in simple conditioning drills.
And finally, 6 reps of:
Hollow position complex: Goal is the completion of each rep (12 movements) without breaking position. Today, if needed, rest no more than :20 sec. between each rep.