EDITOR’S NOTE: Ever wonder how a world-class coach actually trains? Wonder what it’s like to train as a “mature athlete?” Welcome to the athlete journal of Charles Staley. A big believer in practicing what he preaches, Charles trains and competes just like his clients. Now, every Friday read what Charles has done this week in his workout sessions, and how he feels about it.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 12:00 PM
Bodyweight: 211.4 lbs
Set 1: 45 lbs x 5
Set 2: 45 lbs x 5
Set 3: 95 lbs x 5
Set 4: 95 lbs x 5
Set 5: 135 lbs x 3
Set 6: 135 lbs x 3
Set 7: 185 lbs x 1
Set 8: 185 lbs x 1
Set 9: 205 lbs x 1
Set 10: 225 lbs x 1
Set 11: 245 lbs x 1
Set 12: 265 lbs x 0
Set 13: 265 lbs x 0
Set 14: 225 lbs x 5
Notes: Those 265 singles felt very good coming down, but it just wasn’t quite there today. I do think I’ll hit 265 in Vegas however.
Set 1: 225 lbs x 5
Set 2: 345 lbs x 5
Set 3: 450 lbs x 5
Set 4: 500 lbs x 1
Set 5: 505 lbs x 3
Set 6: 295 lbs x 5 (Off Of Weight room Bench, With Pause At Top)
Notes: At 500, a few plates fell of the end of the bar so we didn’t count it even though it was easy. So I then took 505×3 which was very solid, and after that went from an aerobic step to a weightroom bench, pausing at the top, which is significantly more difficult.
Set 1: 60 lbs x 10
Set 2: 70 lbs x 10
Set 3: 80 lbs x 8
Set 4: 90 lbs x 5
Set 5: 80 lbs x 8
Friday, October 5, 2012, 12:00 PM
Bodyweight: 212 lbs
Set 1: 135 lbs x 1
Set 2: 225 lbs x 1
Set 3: 295 lbs x 1
Set 4: 345 lbs x 1
Set 5: 395 lbs x 1
Set 6: 445 lbs x 1
Notes: Purposely used very minimal warm-ups today, mostly just as an experiment. 445 went up fairly nice.
Set 1: 212 lbs x 1
Set 2: 212 lbs x 1
Set 3: 212 lbs x 1
Set 4: 247 lbs x 7
Set 5: 247 lbs x 6
Set 6: 247 lbs x 5
Set 7: 247 lbs x 4
Set 8: 247 lbs x 3
Notes: 25 total reps with a 35-pound plate
Set 1: 307 lbs x 8 reps
Notes: 95-pound dumbbell.
Monday, October 8, 2012, 12:00 PM
Bodyweight: 213.2 lbs
Set 1: 45 lbs x 5
Set 2: 45 lbs x 5
Set 3: 95 lbs x 5
Set 4: 135 lbs x 1
Set 5: 135 lbs x 1
Set 6: 200 lbs x 1
Set 7: 245 lbs x 1
Set 8: 295 lbs x 1
Set 9: 330 lbs x 1
Set 10: 365 lbs x 1
Set 11: 380 lbs x 1
Notes: Woke up a few pounds heavy this morning, and felt pretty strong as well, so I figured I’d hit a decent squat today (also decided to stick with heeled shoes until Worlds). I had a bit of an uncharacteristic hitch half way up, but this is 95% of 400, so I’ll take it.
Set 1: 75 lbs x 10
Set 2: 100 lbs x 10
Set 3: 125 lbs x 10
First time swinging 125 – getting my balance issues worked out – this was heavy but solid.
Set 1: 100 lbs x 10
Set 2: 100 lbs x 10
Set 3: 120 lbs x 10
Set 4: 145 lbs x 10