EDITOR’S NOTE: Welcome to the Athlete Journal of world champion powerlifter Chris Duffin. Follow Chris as he trains and competes in various events over the coming year. Chris’s journal will be posted every Tuesday. You can also read about Chris on his personal website KabukiWarrior.com.
Athlete Journal, Entry 16: 900lb Deadlift & 1000lb Squat
900lb deadlifts and 1000lb squats – are you following this raw powerlifting training log yet?!
Well okay, the deadlift was done with straps and the squat was with deloading chains and probably equated closer to 800lbs. But all in all, that’s not bad for a guy training to compete in the 220lb weight class.
Due to a family camping trip I was not able to get in and get the knot worked out of my right pec last week. I did, however, bring the Rumble Roller with me on the trip and put some work into getting it loosened up. It’s more an issue of just a lot of tissue in the pec, delt, and bi insertion area that just gets bound up because there is so little space for all of it to move in. Overall it was in far better condition than the prior week.
Bench press
405×7, 7, 5
The first set I wasn’t locked into my groove and the 7 reps was a grinder, the second set I locked in and they were flying and almost finished an eight rep, but I was just too fatigued after the first grinder set. Finished with a last set of 5 failing on the sixth.
Band + Dumbell Floor Press
#5band (approx100lbs/hand at lockout) +100s x6, 6
Bottoms up KB press
88x.5 – Oh so close!
70×3, 3
53×8, 8, 8 walking
Band Overhead Triceps Extensions
#4 band x 65,20, 15
Buffalo Bar squats w/300lbs in Chain
155×5, 5
Stoked – but looking at the video tells me I cut it just above parallel. Over 1000lbs on my back raw was a little crazy however. Felt like it took an eternity to finish, but much faster on video than what reality felt like.
Single Leg – AFS Leg Press
300×12, 12
Inverted Band Ham Curls
#4×30, 25, 20
Kept it simple as I have two big training sessions planned over the weekend. My friend and training rival Justin Randall out of Seattle came down to train over the weekend.
Kettlebell Turkish Getup
Bar x5/side
Little mobility work, and that is all.
12 hour fast pre-training using USP Labs style Fasted Training protocol.
Mobility work and hand icing pre-workout.
625×2 add belt
715×1 nice long hold out
Ice between sets is keeping my hand bloat down and having not a bit of issue with grip – but that’s all I needed to see for today.
805×1 add straps
To give you some context I believe only three people in the history of powerlifting have pulled over 900lbs using the sumo stance in competition. That is in ANY weight class, ANY federation, ANY rules, or ANY use of additional supporting powerlifting gear.
BWx16, 12, 10
BWx11, 10, 6
Time to rest up and start off the next Training week early on Sunday. Both Justin and I hit PRs – time to do the same again tomorrow.