Schedule of CrossFit Athlete Journals:
Mondays – Ingrid Kantola
Wednesdays – Travis Holley
Sundays – Michael Winchester
Ingrid Kantola – Athlete Journal 6/18/12
(Read Ingrid’s Bio here)
Photo provided by Brian Sullivan.
The last week of training had some high points – learning chest to bar butterfly pull ups and how to “fall” into linked muscle ups – and some low points – ripping both palms and having to do 50+ pull ups strict instead of kipping. But the best thing about the last week of training was feeling strong enough to get through it all. I wanted to run the 200s at the end of Tuesday’s marathon workout session, when most of the group had headed onto their next obligation. I wanted to complete the task list on Friday, despite my aching hands.
Having that kind of energy at the end of a long week of training means that it’s working. It means all of the mental and emotional battles to simply complete the work have been worth it because now I can, and I want to. It is one thing to know your PRs are improving and you are getting leaner, and it is another to be eager to walk into the hardest training sessions of your life and want to do it all perfectly.
I added some notes about the training sessions to the WOD log below. Let me know what you think of our training and if you have any questions about what we are up to! Less than a month until the CrossFit Games!
Monday 6/11/12
Weighted Chest to Bar Pull Ups
(That’s a two pood KB! Leashed around the waist. Kipping allowed.)
“Larry Bird”
60 Kettlebell Swings @ 20kg
50 Burpees
40 Pull Ups
30 One-Legged Overhead Squat (45# BB onto 12″ box+45# plate)
20 Dumbbell Push Jerks (50# DBs)
10 Muscle-Ups
100′ One-Arm Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges (45# BB – 50′ each arm)
(Very tricky workout! Started out really fast, then came to a screeching halt on the 1 leg overhead squat!)
Tuesday 6/12/12
1) 2x Clean + 2x Jerk Off High Blocks:
95-115-125-135-145- 2 sets of 1 Clean @ 165#
(Glutes were VERY sore from the previous days’ pistols.)
1) Back Squat: 8×160, 5×180, 3×190, 3×200, 3×200
2a) Push Press x3:115, 125, 140 (2x), 130, 135
2b) Pause Front Squat x3: 115-125-135-145- 2x2x155
1) Deficit Parallette Handstand Push Up: 3-5-7-5-4 (kipping allowed!)
2) 4 Rounds each for time:
- 10 Jump over the box 20″ (5 boxes in a row. Jump over each one in a row then turn around and go back. FUN!)
- 15 Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull Ups (All pull ups were unbroken, and managed sets of 7-10 of butterfly chest to bar)
- 50 Double Unders
- 15 Hand Release Push Ups
Rd 1 – 2:18, Rd 2 – 2:10, Rd 3 – 2:22, Rd 4 – 2:10
Total Working Time: 10 Minutes
3) 4x200m Sprint: 34.03, 34.70, 34.06, 33.89
Wednesday 6/13/12
1) 7×2 Snatch Off High Blocks: 95-105-115-120-120(1x)-120-120
2a) 4×3 Snatch Drop: 65-85-95-100
2b) 4×3 Snatch High Pulls: All sets at 125
1) 5 Muscle Ups/100m row
4 Muscle Ups/200m row
3 Muscle Ups/300m row
2 Muscle Ups/400m row
1 Muscle Ups/500m row
(All MU unbroken, practiced “falling” off the rings instead of dipping into the next rep.)
2) Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Minutes – 20 Burpees
:03 remaining- 15- 13- 14- 14
1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” Glute Ham Raise – with 10# dumbbell
1b) 4X3 Barbell Turkish Get Ups – 35-35- 45-45 (first two sets were 3 total, last two were 3 each arm)
Friday 6/15/12
1) 3 rounds for time:
- 50′ Yoke Carry
- 10 Hang Snatch (95#) (7/3, 5/3/2, 5/3/2)
- 30 Toes to Bar
(90 Toes to Bar = blistered hands)
2) 3 rounds for time:
- 1 Mile Run
- 10 Muscle Ups (4/3/3)
- Rest 4 Minutes
- 1 Mile Run
- 10 Muscle Ups (5/3/2)
- Rest 3 Minutes
- 1 Mile Run
- 10 Muscle Ups (4/2/2/2/2)
8:59, 8:56, 8:53
Total Working Time= 26:48
(30 Muscle Ups = ripped hands)
10×2 Jerk Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes @ 150#
10x 2 Banded Dead Lift
165# on the Bar + Red Band
1) As Many Rounds As Possble In 12 Minutes
- 15 Kettlebell Swings (24kg)
- 75′ High Bar Prowler Push (170#)
- 15 Wall Ball (14#)
- 75′ Low Bar Prowler Push (170#)
4 Rounds + 3 Wall Balls
2) For Time:
60 Pull Ups (~56 Strict)
15 Thrusters (105#) (5/3/1/4/1/1)
30 Calorie Row
60 GHD Sit Ups
15 Over Head Squats (120) (5/5/5)
30 Calorie Row
60 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Power Cleans (155#) (Singles)
30 Calorie Row
Saturday 6/16/12
Worked on cleans from low blocks – up to a few sets of 2 @ 135#
Every Minute on the Minute for 7 Minutes
3x High Bar Back Squat @165
Partner Swim Workout with Jessica Estrada
Swim 25yd
Max Effort Burpees
Swim 50yd
Max Effort Pistols
Swim 75yd
Max Effort Burpees
Swim 100yd
Max Effort Pistols
Swim 125yd
Max Effort Burpees
(Each partners does both parts, switching off swimming and reps.)
Total of 220 Reps in 17:51