Schedule of CrossFit Athlete Journals:
Mondays – Ingrid Kantola
Wednesdays – Travis Holley
Sundays – Michael Winchester
Michael Winchester – Athlete Journal 7/1/12
(Read Michael’s Bio here)
1) 7X2 Vertical Snatch off High Boxes (at Hip)– heavy but fast, rest 60 sec.
2a) 4X3 Halting Snatch Deadlift – heavy, rest 60 sec.?
2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec.
1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
1b) 4X3 BB TGU – heaviest possible, 3 each arm, rest 60 sec.
5 rounds for total working time (not including C2B) and total reps of C2B:
- 75 Double-Unders?
- 10 Push Jerks @ 135/95#?
- *Rest 15 seconds
- Max Effort Unbroken Chest to Bar Pullups?
- *Rest 1 minute before starting next round
1) 7X2 Vertical Clean off High Boxes (at Hip) + 1 Push Jerk – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec.
Notes: Complete both Cleans, then one Push Jerk after the second Clean.
1) Back Squat: 3X5 @ 75%, 2X5 @ 80% – rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.
2a) 5X3 Push Press – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.
2b) 5X3 Pause Front Squats – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.
Notes: Hold absolute bottom of each FS for 3 seconds, then bounce off the calves and stand.
1) 3 rounds for time of:
- 50′ Yoke Carry @ 350/225#
- 25 Burpees
*Rest as needed between WODs.
2) 12 minute AMRAP of:
- 10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans @ 70/50#
- 100′ Dumbbell Farmers Carry @ 70/50#
- 10 Dumbbell Handstand Push Up @ 70/50#
1a) 10X2 High-Hang Snatch (w/ hips) – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec.
1b) 10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec.
1) 4X5/4 Unbroken Muscle-Ups + Max Effort Ring Dips – rest 75, 90, 120 seconds
2) 12 minutes Row for distance:
- 30 seconds ALL OUT
- 30 seconds Active Recovery
30 minutes practice of:
1) Overhead Pistols
2) Handstand Walks
3) Ring Handstand Push Ups
Notes: Spend 3-4 minutes on each movement alternating through for the entire allotted time. Obviously if you are proficient at one of these movements, spend less time on it. Do not, however, just forget about it. All 3 elements should be practiced in the allotted time.
Active Recovery: 30 minute swim + Bikram Yoga
5X3 Split Jerk off Blocks – heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.
1a) 10X2 Banded Deadlifts @ 55% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension – rest 60 sec.
1b) 5X5 Bench Press – heaviest possible all sets, rest 2+ minutes
Notes: These should be performed between every other set of deadlifts.
1) In teams of 2: one male, one female – perform 8 total rounds of the following for time:
- 5 Hurdle Jumps 30/26″
- Sprint 50m
- 5 Hurdle Jumps 30/26″
- 10 Front Squats 200/135#
- 15 Unbroken Pullups
Notes: Teammate 1 must perform a full round, then the teammates switch. They will alternate rounds until the team has completed 8 rounds. After the 5th jump, Sprint 25m out, 25m back, then perform 5 more Hurdle Jumps.
*Rest as needed.
2) In teams of 4: two men, two women – complete 3 rounds of:
- 45 sec. Burpees
- 15 sec. Rest
- 45 sec. T2B
- 15 sec. Rest
- 45 sec. Wall Ball 20/14#
- 15 sec. Rest
- 45 sec. KBS 32/24kg
- 15 sec. Rest
For total reps.
Notes: This should be performed Fight Gone Bad style, with teammates starting at different stations and alternating after each 45 sec. effort.
For Time: Sprint Triathlon: Swim 500m, Bike 10K, Run 5K.
Rest Day