By submitting to Breaking Muscle you declare that you are the sole owner and author of your submission and own 100% of all copyrights pertaining to it.
You further declare that your submission is exclusive content for Breaking Muscle. This means your submission has not been published anywhere else at any point in time – before or after publication on Breaking Muscle without the express approval of Breaking Muscle.
You agree that it is at Breaking Muscle’s sole discretion as to whether your submission is used and for how long.
By submitting to Breaking Muscle you declare that you are the sole owner and author of your submission and own 100% of all copyrights pertaining to it.
You further declare that your submission is exclusive content for Breaking Muscle. This means your submission has not been published anywhere else at any point in time – before or after publication on Breaking Muscle without the express approval of Breaking Muscle.
You agree that it is at Breaking Muscle’s sole discretion as to whether your submission is used and for how long.
While Breaking Muscle receives many millions of unique visitors monthly, there are no guarantees your submission will be viewed by anyone.
Please read Breaking Muscle’s submission guidelines before submitting any materials to ensure the best opportunity for your submission to be reviewed in a timely manner by Breaking Muscle.
You agreed that you are not contributing any content with direct affiliate links or any paid endorsements, materials, or links of any kind.
While Breaking Muscle makes every effort not to modify submissions it reserves the right to edit materials for publication as it sees necessary. Breaking Muscle may, at its discretion, use pictures, and videos from your public posts on social media to complement submissions on its sites and or for the promotion of published submissions on its social media channels.
Breaking Muscle reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice.