Right now, we all need to stay home, stay safe, stay healthy, and try to stay strong. The final part of that sentence might be something you are anxious about. Many stressed-out people have contacted me ... Continue Reading
Search Results for: how to watch
Individualizing Training: Structural Balance, Intensity and Autoregulation
Writing programs is easy. You just need to do between 1-20 sets of 1-100 reps per muscle group at between 5-120% of your 1RM and rest for 1-300 minutes between sets. It’s science. This is obviously an ... Continue Reading
Training Load: Find Your Right Volume
Which type of athlete are you? The one who never stops training? The athlete who tries to out grind the competition? Or are you the one constantly looking for a way to hack the ... Continue Reading
An Introduction to Running Cadence
Among all things tech-lovers, data junkies, or sports science nerds like myself can track, running cadence is one that can be easily monitored on a GPS device. A 2016 study showed that using a commercially ... Continue Reading
8 Unusual Olympic LIfting Cues That Get Results
Olympic lifting is one of the most high-level, skill-based, athletic activities one can perform. No other style of lifting demands the same level of coordination, concentration, and detail than a heavy ... Continue Reading
Train the Foundation of Success: Willpower
So many of our behaviors are the default of a faulty environmental set-up. An alarm, a pre-staged gym bag, and a drawer full of healthy snacks can go a long way. But, say your environment is designed to ... Continue Reading
The 4-Hour Fat Loss Elixir For Busy Lifters
Years ago, you were young with little responsibility. You wanted to pack on muscle, shed fat, and gain superhuman strength. You trained six days a week for two hours at a time. You felt ... Continue Reading
Vision Drills for Better Performance in Physical Movement
All that you have ever experienced, will ever experience, all the exercises or personal bests you have ever pulled off have started and ended in your brain. All movement, skill, thought, and ... Continue Reading
Deloading 101: What Is a Deload and How Do You Do It?
What the Heck Is a Deload? Plain and simple, a deload is a short planned period of recovery. You take your training slightly lighter, maybe workout a little less, and generally just ease things back. A ... Continue Reading
The Real Reason You Should Fast for the Holidays
“It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting.” - Millard Fuller “It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking than it ... Continue Reading
Classical P.E. For All: A Fast, Effective, Bodyweight Program
Bodyweight training is fast, effective, accessible, and the best way into training. With a progressive, consistent approach, elite levels of fitness can be forged in this manner. After all, the body and ... Continue Reading
More Than a Workout: Learning Curves and Having High Standards
We have high standards at Gym Jones. I don’t just mean the strength and fitness standards that so many people associate us with. I mean it more generally. When we train someone here, we expect effort and ... Continue Reading
You Need More Than a Training Template
"Buy my template, and you’ll not only get stronger, but it’s all you’ll ever need." Have you ever heard a popular coach or trainer say this? Templates are for sale, usually as an ebook or a PDF ... Continue Reading
Double Your Leg Strength One Leg at a Time
Developing explosive power for athletes should logically entail pure single-leg exercises. Simply put, when you're in a sport, any sport, you are usually creating power and taking off from one leg anyhow. ... Continue Reading
How to Get Lasting Sciatica Relief
Sciatica is the name given to a painful condition that originates in the lower back and triggers a “shooting” pain down the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in the body1 ... Continue Reading
Do You Really Need to Squat Below Parallel?
In the fitness world, much emphasis is placed on being able to squat below parallel—meaning squatting to a depth where your hip crease is below your knee. And not just because failing to squat below ... Continue Reading
You Can’t Solve the Obesity Epidemic If You Can’t Discuss it
Comedian Bill Maher recently used his “New Rules” segment to call attention to American health, stating, “New Rule: at next Thursday’s debate, one of the candidates has to say the problem with our ... Continue Reading
We Aren’t One-Dimensional; Why Train That Way?
He shifts his weight, each time swaying his shoulders as to not stand square with the man standing in front of him. His eyes scan up as he speaks and catches the coach’s eye for only a second before ... Continue Reading
Is Training to Failure Right for You?
I’ll bet you’ve heard of training to failure. It’s popular in the always do more attitude that’s seeped into the strength and fitness communities. This style of training usually makes the mind wander to ... Continue Reading
Young to Really Young: Beginning Olympic Weightlifting
A never-ending debate in many sports, but especially in weightlifting, concerns when a young athlete should begin training in the discipline. There are two schools of thought in this area and now is a good ... Continue Reading
Flexible to Competitive Nutrition
If it fits our macros. It’s a common term that's being used as the catchphrase for the new wave of eating. However, this is an old school phenomenon that your average gym patron can easily adhere ... Continue Reading
The Fingertip Push-Up Training Plan
When I first got out of college I was hired to teach World History and coach football at a large high school in the Dallas-Fort Worth suburbs. I reported to work three weeks early along with the rest of ... Continue Reading
Whys Are For Beginners
What is your “why?” No other question pops up in the self-improvement world quite so frequently. As all clichés that get beaten to death, there is actually a lot of value in exploring this question. ... Continue Reading
Cut Body Fat Using Methodized Strength Training
Occasionally, I pop my head out of my cave to examine where the average level of insight among the general public is in regards to strength and conditioning. I’m not as pessimistic as many of my ... Continue Reading