If you are following a workout program right now, that’s great. Whether the goal of your program is fat loss, hypertrophy, or strength, you have a goal and you have a plan to accomplish it. Any well ... Continue Reading
Search Results for: how to watch
Don’t Judge Your Wealth Without Your Health
My brother, Daniel Tromello, and I are both in the business of mentoring and helping people be the best they can be. We have always been active and successful in competitive sports but are also able to ... Continue Reading
We Used to Be Humans: Practical Strategies to Combat Tech Addiction
Our society is increasingly driven by a group of omnipresent manipulators who seek to create addiction in order to increase profits. These include the pharmaceutical industry and the Food Giants I ... Continue Reading
The Benefit of Increasing Training Volume for Hypertrophy
In a previous article Why Linear Periodization Sucks For Hypertrophy, I said that an effective training program should tax, stimulate, and overload the underlying systems of the adaptations you’re trying ... Continue Reading
The Science of Strength for Every Athlete
What are the stories you’ve always told yourself about your body? If you’re like most people, you either believe you were born strong, or you weren’t. The role of genetics in body type, physical capacity, ... Continue Reading
4 Steps to Making Fitness Stick For Life
Health and happiness require daily doses of physical resistance and adversity. Until recently, that didn’t pose much of a problem. Exercise was once a non-negotiable fact of life. You moved—a lot—simply to ... Continue Reading
The Subtle Art of Spinal Rotation
We often think about core stability when we consider exercises to prevent low back pain, specifically things like planks, bridges, bird-dogs. The cueing used is usually something along the lines of “keep ... Continue Reading
The Treadmill Is More than a Hamster Wheel
When I was a kid, the old school hamster homes with the tubes and the hamster wheel were all the rage. Being neat freaks, my parents wouldn’t let my brother and I have one, but the idea of the hamster ... Continue Reading
3 Kettlebell Exercises for an Iron Grip
Whether you know it or not, your forearm and grip strength say a lot about you. Grip strength is a quick way to evaluate how much full body strength one possesses. If you have the hand strength of a ... Continue Reading
Density Training for Fat Loss
When you look at the sea of cardio machines at most gyms, you’ll see many individuals with a look of desperation on their faces as they walk, run, step, and cycle. Every one of them hopes that every minute ... Continue Reading
Subversive Fitness: Day 281 Of 360
Day 281 Of 360 Full-range high pull: 4 x 5 @ as heavy as possible in each set 1 x 15 @ 50% of heaviest 5-rep from above Rest as needed between sets. If the set of 5 requires interruption, adjust as ... Continue Reading
Injury Prevention and Resilience Through Improper Training
“You will always regret not training the position you got injured.” - Dr. Andreo Spina Some injuries are just unavoidable. I do believe a lot of wear-and-tear injuries or under-recovered injuries ... Continue Reading
Aging Is B.S. – The Myth Of Missed Opportunities
Never tell me you're too old. Never tell me it's because you're aging that you're fat, sore, achy, can't recover, not as strong, not as fit, or... The list of excuses laid at the feet of aging is maddening ... Continue Reading
Define Your Habits by Playing the Long Game
At the beginning of each year, you begin to think about what you want to change. You know fitness is important. You read all of the information about how to improve happiness, longevity, and overall health ... Continue Reading
The Saboteurs of Health in America
Your health is your most valuable resource. Unfortunately, society provides precious little guidance to improve it, and in fact creates tremendous pressure toward physical incapacity, disease, and mental ... Continue Reading
Slay Your Own Giants
“A classic,” said Mark Twain, “is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.” Such is the case with arguably the greatest novel in Spanish literature, The Ingenious Nobleman Sir ... Continue Reading
You Don’t Need Motivation, You Need Discipline
Motivation is a tricky subject. People are motivated by different things—money, good grades, material objects, and adoration from peers. Motivational images, videos, and quotes are put on social media ... Continue Reading
Learning to Accept and Embrace Pain
Life is full of triumphs, failures, and difficulties, as well as periods of relaxation, comfort, and order. While everyone has a different goal, one aspect of life that most people tend to avoid is pain. ... Continue Reading
Crack the Code of Your Metabolism
The plateau is, without a doubt, the most exasperating part of physical exercise. It’s like the pain you push through to finish a marathon. Whether you want to gain muscle, lose fat, or improve your ... Continue Reading
You Don’t Have Time
There are days when it seems like my life is an uninterrupted stream of awkward conversations. My complete inability to talk about anything that’s happened in pop culture for the last decade is one ... Continue Reading
Why Strength Still Matters in the Modern World
Georges Hébert, the great French physical education innovator, developed what was known as “la méthode naturelle,” or The Natural Method. He was convinced that for humans to thrive, they need the physical ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Guide to Muscle Gain and Hypertrophy
A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Bigger So you want big muscles. Where do we start? We'll start with some of the ways that muscles grow through strength training and progressive resistance ... Continue Reading
Olympic Weightlifting and the Recreational Athlete
So you wanna be an Olympic weightlifter. I do too. I also want to be a fighter pilot, the President of the United States, and the Fittest Man on Earth. I would also like to be a dolphin wrangler, a Super ... Continue Reading
Rekindle the Lost Virtue of Toughness
Over the past few decades, toughness has gotten a bad rap. It has been caricatured as an archaic, grumpy old man, and correlated with anger, pessimism, and grumblings about “back in my day.” It’s often ... Continue Reading