Day 250 of 360
Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption based on grip failure, rest briefly and continue at the same weight. If lifting position breaks, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the remaining sets safely and uninterrupted.
When the scheme is listed as “5 x 10″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and execution always govern weight.
Day 250 of 360
Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption based on grip failure, rest briefly and continue at the same weight. If lifting position breaks, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the remaining sets safely and uninterrupted.
When the scheme is listed as “5 x 10″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and execution always govern weight.
Rest as needed between sets, and perform 50 violent, positionally sound kettlebell swings at a challenging weight. As above, when scheme is listed as “5 x 10″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
Reminder: Power and position govern weight- If we lose our strong hinge, back rounds, or legs fail to snap straight in the “drive” portion of the movement, adjust accordingly and continue safely.
”Short swing” simply denotes a heavy, short-range kettlebell swing with the intent of safely driving as much weight as structurally possible to just below chin height. Today, use weights designated above.
And then:
Organize breathing, maintain movement details, and work hard. Extend bodyweight row set by simply refusing to stop when the initial inclination arises.
And finally, “Time under tension”:
Switch arms in 5-rep sets; If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.