Day 63 of 360
Positional and mechanical improvement:
All skill levels: Clean from floor, clean from swing, front squat, back squat, push press, Turkish Get-up
Advanced: Clean/ swing clean + front squat, clean/ swing clean + push press, snatch (from swing and floor)
At skill work weights and with the guidance of a qualified trainer, practice the several movements listed above that need the most work and make improvement in each. Start with the basic variations of each (using single kettlebell until progress is made), and add difficulty/ weight as appropriate. Accumulate lots of quality reps, and add weight to fact-check position as needed.
Then, 5 rounds of:
Rest as needed after completing each round (left + right). Adjust weight by round as needed- each set should be challenging and uninterrupted.
And finally, “Time under tension”:
Work to “True” failure (loss of physical positioning) not “Relative” failure (loss of mental endurance). If time reaches two minutes, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes.
*If kettlebell snatch from floor is not yet in your toolbox, or does not allow for appropriate weight to be lifted to maximize designated rep scheme, adjust to kettlebell full-range high pull.