Heart rate variability is an indicator of how well the parasympathetic nervous system functions. It provides athletes with a powerful measure of both their recovery and their ability to function well in an ... Continue Reading
3 Minute Meditation to Increase Heart Rate Awareness and Control
Heart rate variability (HRV) describes the beat-by-beat changes in your heart's pace, essentially the spaces between your heart beats. You may think this occurs beyond the reach of your conscious mind, but ... Continue Reading
Dehydration Impacts Heart Rate and Performance
There has been some controversy lately over the effects of dehydration on health and performance in athletes. Its consequences for performance were investigated in a recent Journal of Strength and ... Continue Reading
Tech Review: Instant Heart Rate App by Azumio
Considering a heart rate monitor to see how fast that big old muscle is really beating when you’re working hard? If you’re tracking changes over a long run or activity, we’ve reviewed several heart rate ... Continue Reading
Heart Rate Monitoring: An Effective Test for Overtraining
One thing I’ve always recommended my athletes do is check their resting heart rate every day. Your heart rate can sometimes tell you whether it’s a good day to train or not. Maybe you’re about to get sick, ... Continue Reading