I grew up in the late ’70s and ’80s, have been an athlete my entire life, and have loved football for as far back as I can remember. So one of my favorite training stories from the mainstream media as a ... Continue Reading
Sprint: Rediscover the Most Essential Lower Body Exercise
The fitness industry has fully embraced Georges Hebert’s adage: Be strong to be useful. CrossFitters celebrate the life preparation component of their adaptable approach and, more than ever, women are ... Continue Reading
How and Why to Run Hill Sprint Intervals
Many people today are leaning more towards interval training to augment their conditioning programs - and for good reason. Interval training allows for many positive aspects when done safely and ... Continue Reading
Sprinting 101: 10 Articles for Safe and Effective Sprint Training
Sprinting is a great way to increase agility as long as you do it safely. Here are ten articles to guide you in your sprint training, whether you're a total beginner or just want to improve your ... Continue Reading