Developing explosive power for athletes should logically entail pure single-leg exercises. Simply put, when you're in a sport, any sport, you are usually creating power and taking off from one leg anyhow. ... Continue Reading
The One Exercise to Complete Your Hamstring Development
To build a balanced, strong, injury-proof physique you need to do some unilateral training. Unilateral training is when you train one limb at a time—examples could be the pistol or Bulgarian split ... Continue Reading
Running Drills to Cure Heel Striking and Shin Splints
Having poor running technique can be painful and costly. The gadgets and gear to help correct you can be overwhelming, the costs of therapy for issues related to improper running form can be astronomical, ... Continue Reading
Don’t Be That Guy With Chicken Legs
Go to the gym and note who makes a beeline to the cardio machines or upper-body strength training area upon entering the facility. It’s a good bet you’ll see many doing this. The majority of gym denizens ... Continue Reading
5 Movements to Unlock Your Leg Power
Focusing on movement efficiency should be a primary aim of any well-constructed strength and conditioning program. Moving well requires a combination of mobility (flexibility and range of motion within the ... Continue Reading