I love mountain sports. They energize, inspire, and motivate me—highly so. But sadly, I’ve become a regular patient at the orthopedic clinic. A renowned surgeon told me I need surgery on my right knee. As ... Continue Reading
Three Major Muscles to Always Keep Loose
Whether you’re training for a marathon, triathlon, or bodybuilding event, you want your body to function at its very best. In order to get there we tend to push ourselves, but it’s also important to rest ... Continue Reading
Ankle Injuries: The Secret to Preventing and Healing Them
Recently I looked back at an article I wrote in 2006 about ankle proprioception. It made me think how far we have come in six years. Initially, when I wrote that article, it was looking at the benefits of ... Continue Reading
Can the Nintendo WiiFit Rehab Your Injuries? Science Says Yes!
It is inevitable over the life of an athlete that injuries will be incurred. From injuries imbalances can develop, as we favor a weak leg while building our strength back up. These imbalances are known in ... Continue Reading