When it comes to developing an upper body that looks great and performs even better, the best coaches in powerlifting, strongman/strongwoman, weightlifting, bodybuilding, and sports performance all agree ... Continue Reading
Better Shoulder Health With 3 Mobility Routines for Impingement Problems
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, so it's not surprising that it's one of the most commonly jacked-up joints as well. Nearly everyone I have worked with has messed up their shoulder at one ... Continue Reading
Alternatives to the Big 3 Lifts
You can’t go wrong with the back squat, deadlift, and bench press—the classic big three powerlifting movements. Train them regularly and you will gain strength, especially if you’re new to ... Continue Reading
Improve Your Front Rack Position
Does being in the front rack position cause you to make an ugly pain face? Does it feel like one person is breaking your wrists, while another is aggressively pinching your shoulders when you're in ... Continue Reading
Solving Shoulder Injuries for Gym Bros
The shoulder is one of the most frequently injured joints among gym rats. The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the human body. Due to its extremely wide range of mobility, it can often be ... Continue Reading
Holistic Strategies to End Shoulder Pain
I am regularly contacted by fellow martial artists, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts about shoulder pain. Chronic shoulder pain, the kind that keeps people up at night, wanting to saw their shoulder off ... Continue Reading
Get Your Shoulders Under Control
If you close your eyes and imagine your entire right arm, from your fingertips all the way up, where does your image of your arm stop? Does it include your collarbone or your breastbone? What about the ... Continue Reading
Train Your Body to Love Holding Heavy Weights Overhead
The waiter’s walk might be one of your best tools to build shoulder stability and strength. A waiter’s walk is performed by simply holding a weight overhead and walking. I recommend using a kettlebell, ... Continue Reading
The Shoulder Cure Exercise
The big three areas that keep people from progressing in their training are backs, knees, and shoulders. Unfortunately, most people think that they are all distinctly different issues. But when you ... Continue Reading