Chronic stress is a genuine concern in our current environment. Continuous "fight-or-flight" responses and prolonged cortisol exposure plague countless individuals, and their health and body composition ... Continue Reading
Short on Time? Stack Your Practice
If you’ve hung around the natural movement space long enough, you’ve likely heard of a smart gal by the name of Katy Bowman. She’s a biomechanist... sort of. What she really excels at is highlighting just ... Continue Reading
The Only Variable That Matters
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s something you need to know. Your program doesn’t matter. Neither does your coach, or your diet. In fact, not a single article or piece of advice or video on ... Continue Reading
EDT: Time Management Meets Weight Training
Charles is here on a weekly basis to help you cut through the B.S. and get some real perspective regarding health and training. Please post feedback or questions to Charles directly in the comments below ... Continue Reading
Be Better at Life: How to Find More Time to Train
Training can have a remarkable effect on all aspects of your life. Improving physical fitness will make you healthier and better able to cope with stress. You will look better and feel more confident. Your ... Continue Reading
How to Outsmart “I’m Too Busy” and Make Fitness a Habit
What's the most common justification for not working out? A recent U.S. News article outlined the top ten reasons people don't exercise. We can probably all guess the number one excuse, and we've all ... Continue Reading
Training Activities for Athletes: The Final Steps to Determine Their Value, Part 5
This is the final cut-off point for anything still in question when it comes to training methods and their validity, i.e. if you should be bothering to do them or not. This is the final cut-off ... Continue Reading
When You Train and What It Might Mean About You and Your Exercise
Back in the day, I used to come home from the boxing gym after sparring and then go on a night run at nine or ten o’clock. After sparring, it takes a while to come down from all of that adrenaline and ... Continue Reading
How to Keep Your Life Out of Your Workouts
How often do you hear, or worse yet use, the expression “I don’t have time to work out today.” The truth is most of us are very busy, some to the point of holding multiple jobs, having families, and ... Continue Reading