Programming is an art form; there's no doubt about it. A person who demonstrates sharp instincts, flexibility, and creativity in a finely-tuned program is a talented coach/trainer. Many of us coaches get ... Continue Reading
Prevent Self-Sabotage With a Flexible Framework
I’m the laziest, hyperactive, lethargic, ambitious, idle person you’ll meet. As breathing contradictions go, I get by. I’ve learned how to deal with myself by finally admitting just how much wiggle room I ... Continue Reading
4 Reasons to Ditch the App and Begin a Personalized Fitness Plan
So, you signed up with the latest cool app that claims to deliver personalized workouts and promises results. You have been diligently following along for two months but are growing bored and skeptical ... Continue Reading
Quality Over Quantity; Process Over Outcome
Julie wants to make the varsity basketball team. Fully motivated and unsure of where to begin, she decides that she will stay late after open gyms and shoot 200 free-throws every day. She finishes all her ... Continue Reading