Participation in collegiate sports requires a high amount of discipline, attention to detail, and the ability to successfully balance a variety of responsibilities. Coaches are then tasked with the ... Continue Reading
5 Effective Ways to Move and Feel Better Today
What if I told you there were some things you could do today, right now even, that would make you feel and move better? The good news is there are some of these things. Read on to learn five simple ... Continue Reading
Drinking to Thirst: Is It Enough?
Does the average person need more water than they are inclined to drink, even in a situation where water is lost in high volumes? The usual answer is "yes." In a recent review in Extreme Physiology and ... Continue Reading
The Importance of Hydration for Youth Athletes
The importance of hydration for good health and properly functioning body systems cannot be overstated. As the warmer months approach and outdoor activities increase, special attention needs to be given to ... Continue Reading
8 Natural Ways to Fuel Your Energy Level Through the Day
Put down the energy drink or whatever else you’re using to get yourself through your workouts and your day. Here are eight natural - and healthy - ways to boost your energy level: Put down ... Continue Reading
What You Drink Doesn’t Matter, Just Stay Hydrated
In a recent article here on Breaking Muscle I looked at a study that reviewed the effects of a sports drink on performance during 90 minutes of cardio. There was no real difference performance-wise by ... Continue Reading
10 Life-Changing Reasons to Drink More Water
Has it occurred to you today that you are thirsty? Guess what – by the time you experience the sensation of the thirst, you are already dehydrated. That thirst is your body calling for ... Continue Reading