Our country is a tribute to freedom and the human pioneering spirit. America is an idea as much as a country—the land of opportunity—the dream of building a better life for yourself. We believe in human ... Continue Reading
Rescuing Youth Fitness
Photography by Bev Childress of Fort Worth, Texas Photography by Bev Childress of Fort Worth, Texas Franklin Delano Roosevelt was an enigmatic man. Stricken with polio, he never allowed ... Continue Reading
Youth, You Must Earn the Right to Lift Heavy
“But I can lift way more than this, coach!” I have heard this phrase more times than I can count while coaching 8-14-year-olds in small and large group settings. Every single youth athlete, at some point, ... Continue Reading
How the NCAA Can Fix Youth Athletics
Bashing the NCAA is in vogue, and it’s not hard to see why. Every keyboard warrior on the internet feels it’s their duty to self-righteously assault them. They point to the billionaire boosters, the ... Continue Reading
A Letter to My Son, the Aspiring Athlete
You love it. All of it. Baseball, football and your truest love, basketball. You are a natural at everything you have done, and even at this young age, you dream of getting a scholarship and playing in ... Continue Reading
The Fallacies that Dominate Youth Athletic Training
My job allows me to interact with hundreds of high school and middle school athletes, coaches, and parents each year. This means that I am constantly exposed to all the common pitfalls of the training ... Continue Reading
The Foundation of the Lifelong Athlete
If you’ve been following my writing, you may recognize a recurring theme: the predominant societal trends of modern youth are failing to create capable, fulfilled humans, and really do a number on their ... Continue Reading
The Tiger Woods Model Is Not for Your Kid
Tiger Woods’s recent DUI arrest seems another step in a well-documented downward spiral. Kickstarted by his tumultuous divorce and the revelation of his infidelities, his mojo seemingly vanished, leading ... Continue Reading
Please, Parents, Give Positive Nutrition Exposure to Your Kids
If you’re reading this article, there’s no doubt you are of a special frame of mind that makes you far more receptive to the idea of better nutrition for a better quality of life. Believe it or not, the ... Continue Reading
The Bold Spirit Physical Education System
Physical literacy and health are the most important subjects of any person’s development. They are intimately linked to our intellectual and personal growth. Overwhelming evidence indicates that with more ... Continue Reading