You’ll notice a few new exercises this week, most as a result of me thinking about what my weaknesses are in terms of strength and muscular development.
Varying Squat Stance for Quad Development
I joked to someone this week, “I’m all lats, pecs, and hamstrings.” In contrast, my quadriceps, tricep, and glute development are abysmal. So I revisited a specific type of squat I’ve done once or twice in the past. For me, this variation is about as quad-intensive as I can get. It involves a wide stance with toes turned out fairly significantly. This allows me to achieve a fairly deep, quad-dominant squat – so much so that 135lb for sets of six is a decent challenge for me.
READ: Don’t Be That Guy With Chicken Legs
At the suggestion of my colleague Christian Thibaudeau, I’m also going to implement a similar squat but with the difference that I’ll seek to overload only the top part of the motion, as this top range is typically underloaded with a parallel squat. However, in the jerk (which is my weakest link in the Olympic lifts), the leg drive is performed with a shallow squat, so it makes sense to do at least some partial squats to achieve this overload.
“For me, this variation is about as quad-intensive as I can get. It involves a wide stance with toes turned out fairly significantly.”
Aside from that, I’ve been training hard with good consistency, and have been feeling healthy to boot. Next week I expect to ramp up the Olympic lifts in preparation for my May 2nd competition.
That’s all for this week. Hope you had a Merry Christmas, and if you have any questions or thoughts on this week’s article, please leave your comments below!
This Week’s Training
Weekly Training Volume: 57,207lb (Last Week: 58,470lb)
Significant Lifts:
4” Block Pull: 475×1
Monday, December 22, 2014
Bodyweight: 201 lb
Volume: 16,393 lb
Average Weight Per Rep: 153.20 lb
Hang Snatch
Set 1: 44 lbs × 5
Set 2: 44 lbs × 5
Set 3: 44 lbs × 5
Notes: IQ: 44
Set 1: 44 lbs × 2
Set 2: 44 lbs × 2
Set 3: 88 lbs × 2
Set 4: 88 lbs × 2
Set 5: 110 lbs × 1
Set 6: 110 lbs × 1
Set 7: 110 lbs × 1
Notes: IQ: 78
Set 1: 45 lbs × 5
Set 2: 95 lbs × 5
Set 3: 135 lbs × 5
Set 4: 185 lbs × 3
Set 5: 225 lbs × 2
Set 6: 315 lbs × 1
Set 7: 325 lbs × 1
Set 8: 335 lbs × 1
Set 9: 315 lbs × 1
Set 10: 315 lbs × 1
Notes: IQ: 159.4
Set 1: 225 lbs × 10
Set 2: 315 lbs × 8
Set 3: 315 lbs × 8 (Video Below)
Notes: IQ: 280.38
45-Degree Back Extension
Set 1: 120 lbs × 10
Set 2: 120 lbs × 10
Set 3: 120 lbs × 10
Notes: IQ: 120
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Bodyweight: 200.2 lb
Volume: 12,594 lb
Average Weight Per Rep: 125.94 lb
Bench Press
Set 1: 45 lbs × 5
Set 2: 95 lbs × 5
Set 3: 135 lbs × 5
Set 4: 185 lbs × 3
Set 5: 205 lbs × 2
Set 6: 225 lbs × 2
Set 7: 230 lbs × 2
Set 8: 230 lbs × 2
Set 9: 235 lbs × 2
Set 10: 235 lbs × 2
Notes: IQ: 155
Set 1: +25 lbs × 4
Set 2: +25 lbs × 4
Set 3: +25 lbs × 4
Set 4: BW x 10 reps
Notes: IQ: 213.81
Set 1: 60 lbs × 8
Set 2: 60 lbs × 8
Set 3: 60 lbs × 8
Notes: IQ: 60
EZ-Bar Curl
Set 1: 75 lbs × 8
Set 2: 75 lbs × 8
Set 3: 75 lbs × 8
Notes: IQ: 75
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Bodyweight: 200.6 lb
Volume: 13,600 lb
Average Weight Per Rep: 151.11 lb
4″ Block Pull
Set 1: 135 lbs × 5
Set 2: 135 lbs × 5
Set 3: 225 lbs × 5
Set 4: 315 lbs × 3
Set 5: 365 lbs × 2
Set 6: 405 lbs × 1
Set 7: 435 lbs × 1
Set 8: 455 lbs × 1
Set 9: 475 lbs × 1
14.5″ High Bar Box Squat
Set 1: 45 lbs × 6
Set 2: 95 lbs × 6 (Video Below)
Set 3: 135 lbs × 6
Set 4: 135 lbs × 6
Set 5: 135 lbs × 6
Set 6: 135 lbs × 6
Back Extension
Set 1: 120 lbs × 10
Set 2: 120 lbs × 10
Set 3: 120 lbs × 10
Friday, December 26, 2014
Bodyweight: 202.8 lb
Volume: 14,620 lb
Average Weight Per Rep: 123.89 lb
Close Grip Bench Press (Pinkies On Rings)
Set 1: 95 lbs × 8
Set 2: 135 lbs × 6
Set 3: 185 lbs × 4
Set 4: 205 lbs × 4
Set 5: 205 lbs × 4
Set 6: 195 lbs × 4
Set 7: 195 lbs × 4
Notes: IQ: 162.05
Incline Dumbbell Press
Set 1: 80 lbs × 8
Set 2: 120 lbs × 8
Set 3: 120 lbs × 8
Set 4: 120 lbs × 8
Notes: IQ: 110
Seated Row
Set 1: 150 lbs × 8
Set 2: 150 lbs × 8
Set 3: 150 lbs × 8
Notes: IQ: 150
Military Press
Set 1: 45 lbs × 5
Set 2: 65 lbs × 5
Set 3: 85 lbs × 5
Set 4: 105 lbs × 3
Notes: IQ: 71.66
Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 70 lbs × 10
Notes: IQ: 70
A big believer in practicing what he preaches, Charles Staley trains and competes just like his clients. Every Friday you can read what Charles has done in his workout sessions.