Day 298 Of 360
4 rounds of:
Lift, move, and carry in strong, organized positions; Soft equals sketchy, especially any time the directive is “as heavy as possible.” Maximize rest through mindful breathing and focus on what’s next.
Day 298 Of 360
4 rounds of:
Lift, move, and carry in strong, organized positions; Soft equals sketchy, especially any time the directive is “as heavy as possible.” Maximize rest through mindful breathing and focus on what’s next.
Then, 6 rounds of:
Pull-up and sit-up are scaled to ability, and should be challenging in each round. Finish having completed three Abmat and three V-up rounds.
Advanced pull-up suggestions include: Weighted, L-pull-up, chest-to-bar, negative. No kip, no butterfly.
And then:
Take as little rest as needed, if any. Carry and lunge in strong, stable positions- no soft, casual movement. Weight for lunge may be carried in any organized manner you choose- scale to ability (Ex. Further from your body = significantly heavier).