Day 343 of 360
Day 343 of 360
Rest as needed between sets of both movements. If sets require interruption at chosen weight, or range of motion fails, make as minor an adjustment as needed before continuing. When scheme is listed as “1 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Sound position and full range of motion always govern weight.
Then, 10 attentive minutes of:
Attempt no rest outside of designated duration, hustle in transitions, and accomplish as much quality work as possible.
No lazy hollow rock, no soft squats, no wiggly pull-up.
Squat + bumper plate: Today, posture practice, thorough, challenging range of motion, and crisp pace all play equal parts in the value of this drill. Move quickly, move correctly.
Pull-up: Advanced suggestions include weighted, L-pull-up, chest-to-bar, negative. No kip, no butterfly.
And then, “Time under tension”: