Welcome to the Mommy Workouts! These routines are designed for pregnant moms, but they’re also appropriate for women who’ve had a baby and want to improve stability, mobility, and strength. The workouts will be posted three days a week, but feel free to mix and match the workouts to meet your needs.
This cycle of the Mommy workouts is especially designed for moms in the second trimester. These workouts are divided into 2 or 3 parts, and can be done all at the same time or broken into shorter workouts throughout the day.
Some of the workouts will use an 8 kg. kettlebell (you could use heavier if you’re accustomed to kettlebell training), dumbbell, or barbell, but for the most part they will not require any additional equipment to make them as simple and straightforward as possible. Listen to your body, take breaks as needed, and stay hydrated. Congratulations on your pregnancy and giving your baby the best start with exercise!
Week 24, Day 3
20 minutes, AMRAP:
15 Goblet Squats
15 Weighted Lunges
15 Burpees (modified if necessary)
30 sec. Plank Pushups (w/wall support if necessary)
Relieve stress and fatigue with these simple poses. Start in Easy Pose, breathing deeply for 10 breaths.
From here, lie on your back with your knees bent and your shoulders on the ground for Bridge Pose. Lift from your hips and push your tailbone up toward the ceiling, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor. Breathe deeply in this pose for about 30 seconds. Relax for ten deep breaths, then repeat.
Come onto your knees for Camel Pose. Inhale and lengthen the spine, then gently bend backwards and grab onto your heels, looking up at the ceiling. Keep your neck and throat soft and focus on opening the back. Keep your abdominal muscles relaxed and avoid hardening the muscles in the stomach and lower back. Relax in this pose for 30 seconds, come back up to kneeling for 5 deep breaths, then repeat for 30 seconds more.
Move into Child’s Pose for three minutes of deep breathing.
Push the heels into the floor and come up to Downward Dog . Breathe here for about 30 seconds, then lower into Plank Pose for 20 seconds. If this pose is too intense, stay in Downward Dog. Relax in Child’s Pose for one minute, then repeat this sequence twice.
Lie on your side for a modified Corpse Pose. Ana Forrest recommends placing one hand on your heart and one hand on your baby during this relaxation pose, to strengthen your bond. Let go of any fear or anxiety in this pose, and stay relaxed for at least five minutes, breathing with your baby.