Side Plank Variation
From downward dog, shift your weight onto your right arm as you roll onto the outside of your right foot. Stack the left foot on top of the right and energize through the legs. Extend the left arm up toward the ceiling as you look up to the hand. Reach back and grab the left foot with the left arm and open the spine. Stay in the pose for 5-10 breaths.
Standing on the right leg, begin to reach back and grab the inside of the left foot securely. As you begin to open in the pose, press the hand and foot together equally, and begin to open the heart. Stay in the pose for 5-10 breaths.
From downward dog shift your weight onto your right arm as you roll onto the outside of your right foot. Stack the left foot on top of the right and energize through the legs. Extend the left arm up toward the ceiling as you look up to the hand. To go deeper grab the toe of the left leg and extend the leg up towards the ceiling for 5-10 deep breaths.
Repeat the entire series two rounds on each side.