Yogi’s Tip
Use a stopwatch or timer to aid you in the deep yin holds for this practice. Enjoy!
Child’s Pose
Coming on to your knees, bring your big toes together and sit on your heels, trying to separate your knees about as wide as your hips or wider. Inhale and exhale through the nose and drape the body between your thighs. Lengthen through your entire spine as you bring your tailbone down and away from the pelvis. Choose a hand variation that works for you, either laying your hands on the floor alongside your torso with the palms up or in front of you body on the floor. You can also experiment with reaching back and touching the feet, which sends calming message through the body, preparing for release and relaxation. *Stay here for 5 minutes.
Seated Hip Openers
Pigeon Pose
In a seated position, cross the right leg over the left, placing your left foot down on the floor flat. Your hands should be behind your body and pressing gently through the floor, opening your chest and extending up through the the spine. *Stay here for 2.5 minutes.
Cows Face Pose
From the seated pigeon pose, take the right leg and cross it fully over the left leg releasing both legs on the floor. Keep the feet out as wide as possible. If you wish to go deeper, inhale to lengthen up through the spine and exhale to fold over the legs, touching your toes. *Stay here 2.5 minutes.
Repeat both poses on the left side.
Supine Twist
Lying down on your back, cross the right leg over the left for a deep spinal twist. As you twist, look over the right shoulder to stretch your neck and feel a deeper release. *Stay here for 2.5 minutes and repeat in the left side.
On your back, or supported with props for your level of comfort, begin to close the eyes and relax the breath. Progressively go through the body relaxing and releasing with each exhale. Stay here for at least 5-10 minutes or as long as you wish. To come out, roll off to your side coming to a seated position and take a few breaths, noticing the difference in your internal state.
Yogi’s Tip – When coming out of savasana, if you are proceeding with your day or needing energy roll off to your right side, which corresponds with sun energy. If you are wanting to maintain a sense of calm and doing this practice in the evening or making your way to sleep roll off to your left side, which corresponds with moon energy and relaxation.