Welcome to the Kettlebell workout from coach Dini Leopoldo. Two new workouts are posted each week and can be done on any day you have available. Make sure you warm up adequately before starting any of these workouts!
Week 8, Day 1
Joint mobility/Primal Move
3×20 hand to hand swings
3×20 super mans
3×20 hip bridges
4×5 cleans
4×5 rack squats
4×5 military press
3x45sec bear crawls
3x30sec underkneath lunges
4×5 pullover sit ups
Week 8, Day 2
Joint mobility/Primal Move
3x20sec planks
20 minutes:
1 minute snatches, alternating sides
1 minute Turkish get ups, alternating sides
1 minute V-ups
1minute cleans, alternating sides
1minute rest