These workouts are designed for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. I based these workouts on my own workout routine during my most recent pregnancy. Day one consists of a bodyweight circuit combined with a weighted carry. Day two combines kettlebell and barbell exercises. Day three consists of yoga and walking or, ideally, hiking outdoors on varied terrain.
Although pregnancy isn’t the time to be focused on setting PRs or progressive weight training, there’s no reason you can’t track your progress. I found that keeping a fitness journal during pregnancy kept me motivated and helped me regain my fitness level faster after delivery. In this cycle of workouts, you will repeat the workouts every four weeks, so I encourage you to keep a journal and note how you felt at various stages and how the workouts changed for you as your pregnancy progressed. It’s fun to look back and read about it later, even if you have a few weeks of “Morning sickness strikes again – no kettlebell workout today” noted, like I did!
I designed these workouts with active moms in mind who are at an intermediate fitness level. If you have been training with weights before pregnancy, there’s no reason you can’t continue to do so, provided you have your doctor’s approval. Enjoy the workouts.
Week 10, Day 3: Yoga and Walking #1
3 Rounds, 3 deep breaths per pose:
Easy Pose
Butterfly Pose
Child’s Pose w/Wide Knees
Hero’s Pose
Reclining Hero’s Pose
Staff Pose
2 mile walk/hike