This cycle of pregnancy workouts is designed for women who have previous experience with strength training and yoga and want to integrate a range of exercise modalities. The third trimester workouts focus on regular movement throughout the day, long walks or hikes once a week, and easily modified bodyweight workouts.
Although pregnancy isn’t the time to be focused on setting PRs or progressive weight training, there’s no reason you can’t track your progress. I found that keeping a fitness journal during pregnancy kept me motivated and helped me regain my fitness level faster after delivery.
I designed these workouts with active moms in mind who are at an intermediate fitness level. If you have been training with weights before pregnancy, there’s no reason you can’t continue to do so, provided you have your doctor’s approval. Enjoy the workouts.
Week 31, Day 3
A. Bodyweight Workout
Sprint 20 seconds – max effort walk, jog, or run for five rounds with 45 seconds rest between each sprint.
Repeat for 3 rounds:
- Cossack lunges x 10 per side
- Bodyweight squats x 20 (Add weight if desired)
- Wide legged forward fold x 5 deep breaths
- Push ups x 10
- Pull ups x 5
- PVC pass x 25
B. Movement Flow A
Throughout the day, perform the following short movement flow at least three times, flowing from one exercise to the next. This is a great movement flow to do after a long bout of sitting or standing.
- Push ups x 5
- Reverse lunges x 10 per side
- Push ups x 5
- Downward dog x 30 second hold
- Deep squat x 30 second hold
- Wide legged forward fold x 30 second hold