Week 1, Day 1
50min EMOM
- Min 1-10: 2 Heavy CGBP
- Min 11-20: 3 Tough Strict HSPU (adjust deficit to challenge
- accodingly)
- Min 21-30: 10sec Sled Push Tough but Sustainable
- Min 31-40: 3 Tough Thrusters
- Min 41-50: 15sec Row Sprint @ 90% effort
20min swim @ Z1 pace
Accumulate 2min treading water with a 20# brick, easy intervals
Week 1, Day 1
50min EMOM
- Min 1-10: 2 Heavy CGBP
- Min 11-20: 3 Tough Strict HSPU (adjust deficit to challenge
- accodingly)
- Min 21-30: 10sec Sled Push Tough but Sustainable
- Min 31-40: 3 Tough Thrusters
- Min 41-50: 15sec Row Sprint @ 90% effort
20min swim @ Z1 pace
Accumulate 2min treading water with a 20# brick, easy intervals
– CGBP is close grip bench press. Place your hands approximately 16″ apart.
– HSPU: hand stand push-ups, done against a wall
– sled push: arms straight
– Thruster weight should be tough but sustainable. Start with less than you think you should and increase as you go, rather than go too heavy and have to drop weight.
– row sprint: tough but sustainable
Day 2
20min AMRAP @ 85% effort
- 10 hand release push ups
- 10 sit ups
- 10 prisoner lunges
- 10 forward rolls (alternate shoulders)
- 10 double unders
A two-hour ruck with 75lb pack on gravel road while carrying a 10lb sledge hammer at the low ready position using both hands.
– prisoner lunges: walking lunges with hands behind head and elbows back
– If you can’t do double unders, learn them. If you don’t have a skipping rope, do lateral ski hops
Day 3
A: 3X back squat @ 3,3,3,3, rest 20sec between clusters, rest 2:30 between sets of clusters
B: 3X Pendlay rows x 10-12, rest 2min
C1: 3X wide grip pull ups, stop 1 rep short of failure, rest 20sec
C2: 3X straight arm lat pull downs x 10-12, rest 2min
D: accumulate 2min in the L-sit position
3 rounds for time:
- 12 one-arm overhead walking lunges with 25lb DBs
- 12 burpee pull ups
– Re-rack the bar between back squat clusters.
– Pendlay rows: no hip or back swing involved, pull each rep from the ground to the sternum, then lower back down over 2 seconds
– No “chinnin” on the pull ups, keep your head and neck neutral.
– active shoulders for the overhead lunges
Day 4
3 rounds:
- Run 10min @90% effort
- Walk 10min
- 30min swim @ Z1 pace
- 30min bike @ Z1 pace
- 30min jog @ Z1 pace
- 30min ruck walk with 40lbs @ Z1 pace
– AM workout is tough but sustainable
– PM workout: leave the ego at the door
Day 5
A: 3X front-racked walking barbell lunges x10-12, rest 2:30
12min EMOM with a 20-30lb weighted vest
- odd – 50sec step ups
- even- 15-20 hand release push ups
Rest 8min
12min EMOM
- odd – 2 TGU, heavy
- even – 15-20 2-pood kettlebell swings
Walk10min, easy pace
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 2, Day 1
50min EMOM
- 1-10: 3 Heavy CGBP
- 11-20: 3-4 tough strict HSPU
- 21-30: 12 second sled push
- 31-40: 4 tough thrusters
- 41-50: 15sec row sprint @ 90% effort
25min swim @ Z1 pace
Accumulate 2:30 treading water with a 20# brick, moderate intervals
- For the close grip bench press, place your hands approximately 16″ apart.
- HSPU: do these against a wall
- Sled push: keep your arms straight
- Thruster weight should be tough but sustainable, go less than you think and you can increase as you go, rather than go too heavy and drop weight
Day 2
20min AMRAP @ 85% effort
- 10 clapping push ups
- 10 GHD sit ups
- 10 30″ box jumps
- 100m bear crawl
- 10 ski jumps over erg
2:30:00 ruck with 75lbs on gravel road while carrying a 10# sledge hammer at the low ready
position with both hands
- moderate pace for ruck march
- steady pace throughout on AMRAP
Day 3
A: Back Squat @; rest 20sec b/t clusters; rest 2:30 x 3
B: Pendlay Rows x 9-11; rest 2min x 3
C1: AMRAP Wide Grip Pull-Ups (-1); rest 20sec x 3
C2: Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs x 9-11; rest 2min x 3
D: Accumulate 2minutes in the Hanging L-Sit position
3 Rounds for time
8 Wall Walks
8 TGU 1.5pd
- re-rack the bar between back squat clusters
- Pendlay rows: no hips or back swing involved. Pull each rep from the ground to the sternum then lower back down over two seconds
- no “chinnin” on the pull-ups, head neutral
Day 4
Run 11min @90% effort
Walk 10min
x 3
30min swim @ Z1 pace
35min bike @ Z1 pace
35min jog @ Z1 pace
35min ruck walk with 40lbs @ Z1 pace
– AM workout is tough but sustainable
– PM workout, leave the ego at the door
Day 5
A: Front-racked barbell walking lunges x 12-14, rest 2:30 x 3
14min EMOM
- odd – 50sec step ups with 20-30lb weighted vest
- even- 15-20 hand release push ups with the same weighted vest
Rest 8min
12min EMOM
- odd- 7 Burpee pull ups
- even- 15 goblet squats with a 100lb DB
Walk 11min easy pace
- For the goblet squats, stay as upright as possible and keep the DB tight into your chest.
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 3, Day 1
50 minute EMOM
- 1-10: 4 heavy close grip bench press
- 11-20: 4 tough strict HSPU (adjust deficit to challenge accordingly)
- 21-30: 15 seconds backward sandbag drag – hard and heavy but sustainable
- 31-40: 5 tough power cleans
- 41-50: sprint 100m @ 90% effort – tough but sustainable
30 minute swim @ Z1 pace
Accumulate 3 minutes in moderate intervals of treading water with a 20lb brick
- For the close grip bench press, place your hands approximately 16″ apart.
- HSPU: do these against a wall
Day 2
20 minute AMRAP @ 85% effort
- 50 double unders
- 200m run
- 40 push ups
- 15 pull ups
- 15 back extensions
3 hour ruck with 75lbs on gravel road while carrying a 10lb sledge hammer at the low ready
- moderate pace for ruck march
- steady pace throughout on AMRAP
Day 3
A: back squat @ 2,2,2,2, resting 20 seconds between clusters, rest 2:30 between rounds x 3
B: Pendlay rows x 8-10, rest 2 minutes x 3
C1: AMRAP wide grip pull ups: do one fewer than your max, rest 20 seconds x 4
C2: straight arm lat pull downs x 8-10, rest 2:00 x 4
D: 10-16 windshield wipers, rest :90 x 3
3 rounds for time woth 20lb vest:
15 burpees
15 95lb thrusters
- re-rack the bar between back squat clusters
- Pendlay rows: no hips or back swing involved. Pull each rep from the ground to the sternum then lower back down over two seconds
- no “chinnin” on the pull-ups, head neutral
Day 4
Run 12min @90% effort
Walk 10min
x 3
30min swim @ Z1 pace
40min bike @ Z1 pace
40min jog @ Z1 pace
40min ruck walk woth 40lb pack @ Z1 pace
- AM workout is tough but sustainable
- PM workout, leave the ego at the door
Day 5
A: front-racked barbell walking lunges x 14-16, rest 2:30 x 3
16min EMOM
- odd – 50sec step ups with a 20-30lb weighted vest
- even- 15-20 hand release push ups with the weighted vest
Rest 8min
12min AMRAP
- 3 hang power clean 135#
- 3 deadlift 135#
- 3 24″ box jumps
- 6 hang power clean 135#
- 6 deadlift 135#
- 6 24″ box jumps
- 9…
- 9….
- 9….
- 12…
- 12…
- …………
Walk 12min easy pace
- 100% effort on the 12 minute AMRAP
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 4, Day 1
50min EMOM
- 1-10: 5 heavy push press
- 11-20: heavy Pendlay rows
- 21-30: 10 sandbag over shoulder cleans with an 80lb sandbag
- 31-40: 8 moderate deadlifts
- 41-50: 50m sprint @100%
35min swim @ Z1 pace
Accumulate 3:30 treading water with a 20lb brick, moderate intervals
Day 2
25min AMRAP @ 85% effort
- 10 sandbag squats, left shoulder, 80lbs
- 25 double unders
- 10 sandbag squats, right shoulder, 80lbs
- run 200m
- 10 sandbag push press
3:30:00 ruck with 75lbs on gravel road while carrying a 10lb sledge hammer at the low ready
position with both hands
- moderate pace for ruck march
- steady pace throughout on AMRAP
Day 3
A: Back Squat @ 1,1,1,1,1, rest 20 seconds between clusters, rest 2:30 between rounds, X3
B: Pendlay eows x 7-9, rest 2 minutes, X4
C1: AMRAP wide grip pull ups (-1), rest 20 seconds, X4
C2: straight arm lat pull downs X7-9, rest 2 minutes, X4
D: 12-18 windshield wipers, rest 90 seconds, X3
3 rounds for time with a 20lb vest
- 2 minutes continuous 18″ step ups with a 20lb DB in each hand
- 2 minutes AMRAP double unders
- 2 minutes rowing
- re-rack the bar between back squat clusters
- Pendlay rows: no hips or back swing involved. Pull each rep from the ground to the sternum then lower back down over two seconds
- no “chinnin” on the pull-ups, head neutral
Day 4
Run 13min @90% effort
Walk 10min
x 3
30min swim @ Z1 pace
45min bike @ Z1 pace
45min jog @ Z1 pace
45min ruck walk with 40lbs @ Z1 pace
– AM workout is tough but sustainable
– PM workout, leave the ego at the door
Day 5
A: Front-racked barbell walking lunges x 14-16, rest 2:30 x 3
16min EMOM
- odd – 50 seconds step ups with 20-30lb weighted vest
- even- 15-20 hand release push ups with the same weighted vest
Rest 8min
12min AMRAP
3 hang power cleans @135lbs
3 deadlifts @135lbs
3 24″ box jumps
6 hang power cleans @135lbs
6 deadlifts @135lbs
6 24″ box jumps
9 hang power cleans @135lbs
9 deadlifts @135lbs
9 24″ box jumps
12 hang power cleans @135lbs
12 deadlifts @135lbs
12 24″ box jumps
Walk 12min easy pace
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 5, Day 1
Warm up: 3 rounds: 20 OH walking lunges w/ 45# Bar, row 150m, 10 sit ups
A: Build to a 3RM concentric-only deadlift
B1: Weighted pull up @ 32X1 x 2-3; rest 60sec x 3
B2: AMRAP straight arm lat pull downs 60lbs; rest 2min x 3
C: Cable pull throughs @ 31X3 x 6-8; rest 60sec x 3
EMOM 8 minutes
odd – 20 jumping lunges
even – sprint 120m
– straight arm lat pull down, done from standing position with arms straight out in front, pull down to thighs, FEEL your lats
– stay tall on the jumping lunges, get comfortable with the burn
Day 2
3-hour moderate walk on gravel road 40#. Every 30 minutes, light jog for 3 minutes.
Swim 100m in pool @ 90% effort
Rest 2min
x 4
Rest 5min
x 2
– Ruck walk, slightly faster pace than last week, still walking, and still not difficult – swim pace should be tough but sustainable
Day 3
Glute activation 2: 3 sets of 12 each side
A: back squat x 5,3,1,5,3,1; rest 3min
B: seated behind-the-neck press @ 30X1 x 4-6; rest 2:30 x 3
C: good mornings @ 31X1 x 6-8; rest 2min x 3
D1: trap-3 raise @ 3011 x 5-7; rest 45sec b/t arms x 3/arm
D2: tabata sit ups 20sec on/10sec off x 6; rest 45sec x 2
EMOM 10min
odd- 10 burpee broad jumps
even- 8 strict pull ups
– Glute activation 2: video
– 2nd EMOM dig deep each set, breath deep through the belly for remainder of each minute
– Second wave of back squat, heavier than the first
– Less volume than last week, keep the intensity up
Day 4
2min AMRAP @ 80-90% effort
Row 150m
10 wall ball
Rest 2min
x 4
3min AMRAP @ 80-90% effort
30 double unders
10 kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Rest 3min
x 4
– general, dynamic, and specific warm up. Touch on all the modalities when doing the specific warm up
Day 5
30min easy swim
80min easy run
Warm up: 30 light TGU with perfect form
A1: standing press @ 31X1 x 2-4; rest 20sec x 3
A2: 60 seconds FLR on rings; rest 2min x 3
B1: AMRAP bodyweight pull ups (-2); rest 10sec
B2: row 500m hard; rest 3min x 3
C: deadbug level 4 x 3411 x 10-15/side; rest 90sec x 2
25 burpees AFAP
Row 350m HARD
Rest 8 minutes
x 3
– Keep the swim as easy as possible, especially if you’re a bad swimmer, focus on technique.
– FLR on rings
– deadbug level 4
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 6, Day 1
8 push ups, 8 sit ups, 8 squats
Swim 50m @ 90% effort
Tread water :20 with a 20lb brick
Rest 2:00
x 10
A: back squat x 5, rest 3:00 x 3-4
B: push press x 5, rest 3:00 x 3-4
C1: weighted pull ups x 5, rest 2:00 x 3-4
C2: weighted dips x 5, rest 2:00 x 3-4
D: 20 x 4-count flutter kicks, rest :60 x 3
10:00 bike @ Z1 pace
Day 2
10min AMRAP @ 90% effort
- 6 push ups
- 25m farmer’s walk, 65lbs in left hand
- 25m farmer’s walk, 65lbs in right hand
- 3 pull ups
- 50m backward sandbag drag
- Run 200m
Rest 10:00
x 2
90:00 ruck walk with 90lb rucksack and 10lb sledgehammer at an easy pace
Day 3
Bike 20min @ Z1 pace
A: deadlift x 5;,rest 3:00 x 3-4
B: bent-over barbell rows x 9-11, rest 2:30 x 3-4
C: jumping lunges x 14-16 unbroken and powerful, rest :40 x 3
C2: AMRAP calpping push ups, rest :40 X3
Accumulate 30 TGU at 1-1.5pood, NOT for time
Day 4
5 rounds:
Run 1km @ 90% effort
Walk 5:00
3 rounds:
Bike 8:00 @ 90% effort
Walk 8:00
– rest at least 6 hours between the end of your AM workout and start of your PM workout
– tough but sustainable pace throughout
Day 5
A: barbell front rack RFESS @ 3010 x 10-12, rest :90 between legs, 3X/leg
B: AMRAP 7:00: step ups while wearing a 25lb vest onto an 18″ box, 90% effort
C1: 33% of max reps push ups, rest :15, x 5
C2: 33% of max reps sit ups, rest :15, x 5
C3: 33% of max reps pull ups, rest :15, x 5
C4: one set of unbroken 20lb wall ball shots to a 10′ target, rest :45, x 5
10:00 jog @ Z1 pace
– steady pace through out on the step ups
– set of wallballs ends when they stop being quick and powerful
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 7, Day 1
9 push ups, 9 sit ups, 9 squats
Swim 50m @ 90% effort
tread water 20 seconds while holding a 20lb brick
Rest 2min
x 11
A: back squat X4, rest 4:00, x 3-4
B: push press X4, rest 3:00, x 3-4
C1: weighted pull ups X4, rest 2:00, x 3-4
C2: weighted dips X4, rest 2:00, x 3-4
D: 23 x 4-count flutter kicks, rest :60 x 3
15min bike @ Z1 pace
Day 2
10min AMRAP @ 90% effort
- 10 squats
- 5 strict pull ups
- 5 strict dips
- 1 15′ rope climb
- 8 jumping lunges
- 10 25lb wall ball shots to a 10′ target
- Run 200m
- Rest 10min
x 2
120:00 ruck walk at an easy pace with a 90lb ruck sack and 10lb sledgehammer
Day 3
Bike 25:00 @ Z1 pace
A:deadlift X4, rest 3:00, x 3-4
B: bent-over barbell rows X8-10, rest 2:30, x 3-4
C: jumping lunges x 16-18 unbroken and powerful, rest :40, x 3
C2: AMRAP clapping push ups, rest :40, x 3
Accumulate 30 TGU at 1-1.5 pood for quality reps, 2 unbroken per hand, alternating
Day 4
Run 1km @ 90% effort
Walk 4:45
x 6
Bike 8:00 @ 90% effort
Walk 7:00
x 3
– rest at least 6 hours between the end of your AM workout and the start of your PM workout
– tough but sustainable pace throughout
Day 5
A: barbell front rack RFESS @ 3010 x 8-10, rest :90 between legs x 3/leg
B: AMRAP 8:00 @ 90% effort: 25lb vest weighted step-ups to an 18″ box
C1: 40% of max reps push ups, rest :15, x 4-5
C2: 40% of max reps sit ups, rest :15, x 4-5
C3: 40% of max reps pull ups, rest:15, x 4-5
C4: one set of 20lb wall ball shots to a 10′ target, rest :55, x 5
15:00 jog @ Z1 pace
– steady pace through out on the step ups
– set of wall ball shots ends when they stop being quick and powerful
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 8, Day 1
12 rounds:
- 10 push ups/10 sit ups/10 squats
- Swim 50m @ 90% effort
- Tread water for :20 with a 20lb brick
- Rest 2:00
A: back sqaut x 3, rest 3:00 x 4
B: push press x 3, rest 3:00 x 4
C1: weighted pull ups x 3; rest 2:00 x 3-4
C2: weighted dips x 3, rest 2:00 x 3-4
D: 26 x 4-count flutter kicks, rest :60 x 3
20:00 bike @ Z1 pace
Day 2
AMRAP 10:00 @ 90% effort
- 8 burpees
- 50m bear crawl
- 2 man makers with 25lb dumbbells
- Run 200m
Rest 10:00
2:30:00 walk at an easy pace while carrying a 90lb rucksack and 10lb sledge hammer
Day 3
Bike 30min @ Z1 pace
A: deadlift x 3, rest 3:00 x 3-4
B: bent-over barbell rows x 8-10, rest 2:30 x 3-4
C: jumping lunges x 18-20 unbroken and powerful, rest :40 x 3
C2: AMRAP clapping push ups, rest :40 x 3
3 rounds:
5 unbroken TGU L with 1pood, no rest
5 unbroken TGU R with 1 pood, rest :60
Day 4
5 rounds:
Run 1km @ 90% effort
Walk 4:00
3 rounds:
Bike 8:00 @ 90% effort
Walk 6:00
– wait at least 6 hours between the end of the AM workout and the start of the PM workout
– maintain a tough but sustainable pace throughout
Day 5
A: barbell front rack RFESS @ 3010 x 6-8, rest :90 between legs x 3/leg
B: step ups to 18″ box while wearing a 25lb weight vest – AMRAP 9:00 @ 90% effort
C1: 45% of max reps push ups, rest :15 X4-5
C2: 45% of max reps sit ups, rest :15 X4-5
C3: 45% of max reps pull ups, rest :15 X4-5
C4: one unbroken set of wall ball shots to a 10″‘ target using a 20lb ball, rest :70 X5
20:00 jog @ Z1 pace
– steady pace through out on the step ups
– stop your set of wall ball shots when you lose your quickness/explosiveness
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 9, Day 1
10min AMRAP @ 90% effort 10 Slam Balls
10 Ring Rows
10 Back Extensions
Run 200m
Rest 10min
3 hour Ruck Walk w/ 90# Ruck and 10# Sledgammer @ easy pace
Day 2
Bike 35min @ Z1 pace
A: Deadlift x 2; rest 3min x 3-4
B: Bent Over Barbell Rows x 6-8; rest 2:30 x 3-4
C: Jumping Lunges x 20-22 unbroken and powerful; rest 40sec x 3 C2: AMRAP Clapping Push-Ups; rest 40sec x 3
6 Unbroken TGU L 1pd; rest 0sec
6 Unbroken TGU R 1pd; rest 60sec
Day 3
Run 1km @ 90% effort Walk 3:30minutes
Bike 8minutes @ 90% effort Walk 5minutes
– at least 6 hours between end of AM workout and start of PM workout
– tough but sustainable pace throughout
Day 4
Run 1km @ 90% effort Walk 3:30minutes
Bike 8minutes @ 90% effort Walk 5minutes
Day 5
A: Barbell Front Rack RFESS @ 3010 x 4-6; rest 90sec b/t legs x 3/leg
B: Step-Up Step-Downs 18″ w/ 25# Vest AMRAP in 10minutes @ 90% effort C1: 50% of Max Push-Ups; rest 15sec x 4-5
C2: 50% of Max Sit-Ups; rest 15sec x 4-5
C3: 50% of Max Pull-Ups; rest 15sec x 4-5
C4: Big Unbroken Set of Wall-Balls 20#/10ft; rest 90sec x 5
20min Jog @ Z1 pace
– steady pace through out on the step ups
– set of wallballs ends when they stop being quick and powerful
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 10, Day 1
Build to a 1RM Back Squat; rest as needed Build to a 1RM Push Press
AMRAP Push-Ups; 1 attempt
AMRAP Pull-Ups; 1 attempt
AMRAP Sit-Ups in 2 minute; 1 attempt
Ruck Walk 2 hours @ Z1 pace with 100# Ruck and 10# Sledgehammer
Day 2
Bike 45minutes @ Z1 pace
Bike 60seconds @ 90% effort Walk 60 seconds
Row 60seconds @ 90% effort Walk 60 seconds
Run 60seconds @ 90% effort Walk 60 seconds
Day 3
30minute Grinder
15 Wall Walks
40 Ring Rows
30 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder 80# 20 Burpee Broad Jumps
10 Bak Extensions
Run 8km @ 90% effort
1000-0200 Sleep
Day 4
20min AMRAP
10 Hand Release Push-Ups 10 Sit-Ups
10 Squats
In and Out x 3
Tread Water 60seconds w/ 20# Brick Swim 200m
7km Run to Gym
8 Rounds
10 Deadlifts 95# 10 Push Press 95# 10 Ring Rows
10 Toes to Bar
7km Run Home
1900 8km Ruck March 90#
2200-0200 Sleep
– lots of carbs and protein after this (tubers, white rice, fruit) then go to
bed for a solid 10 hours
Day 5
Jog 60min @ easy pace
15 Squats
15 Sit-Ups
15 Push-Ups
Hold top of Push-Up Position for 45sec
Swim 75m @ 90% effort
Accumulate 3min Treading Water with 20# Brick for time
5km Run to Gym with Backpack
Row 250m
100m Bear Crawl
Row 250m
100m Backwards Sandbag Drag 150lbs Row 250m
50 HR Push-Ups
Row 250m
70 Sit-Ups
Row 250m
5km Run Home with Backpack
16km Ruck March 90#
2200-0200 Sleep
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 11, Day 1
A: Build to a 1RM Clean Pull in 8minutes
B: Build to a tough 2RM Back Squat in 10min
C: Run 200m @ 95% effort; Walk 45seconds x 6 +
10min Bike @ Z1 pace
Day 2
30min Jog @ Z1 pace
– every 5minutes perform 7 powerful
60min Ruck Walk w/ 90# @ Moderate Pace
Day 3
EMOM 14min
odd- 5 Heavy Thrusters
even- 50% AMRAP Pull-Ups
Barbell Front Rack RFESS @ 31X1 x 10-12; rest 90sec b/t legs x 3/leg +
10min AD @ Z1 pace
Day 4
Run 2min @ 90% effort Walk 2min
Walk 6min
Run 2min @ 90% effort Walk 2min
Day 5
30min Swim @ Z1 pacePM
A1: AMRAP Sit-Ups 30secs/ Rest 30sec x 4
A2: AMRAP Squats 30sec/ Rest 30sec x 4
A3: AMRAP HR Push-Ups/ Rest 30sec x 4
A4: AMRAP Ring Rows @ 1010/ Rest 30sec x 4
B: Sprint 100m @ 98% effort/ Walk 2:30 x 4
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.
Week 12, Day 1
A: Build to a tough Deadlift in 10minutes NOT a 1RM
B: CGBP @ 31X1 x 5-6; rest 3min x 3-4
C: Wide Grip Wtd Pull-Ups @ 21X1 x 5-6; rest 3min x 3-4 +
10min AMRAP @ 90% effort
10 Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
5 Pull-Ups
25m Farmer’s Walk R Arm 70#
25m Farmer’s Walk L Arm 70#
Run 200m
Day 2
2hour Ruck Walk w/ 90# @ Moderate Pace
Day 3
EMOM 14min
odd- 5 Heavy Thrusters
even- 50% AMRAP Pull-Ups
Barbell Front Rack RFESS @ 31X1 x 8-10; rest 90sec b/t legs x 3/leg +
10min AD @ Z1 pace
Day 4
Run 2min @ 95% effort Walk 2min
Walk 6min
Run 2min @ 95% effort Walk 2min
Day 5
Swim 50m @ 90% effort
Tread Water 20# Brick 20seconds Rest 60sec
A1: AMRAP Sit-Ups 30secs/ Rest 30sec x 4
A2: AMRAP Squats 30sec/ Rest 30sec x 4
A3: AMRAP HR Push-Ups/ Rest 30sec x 4
A4: AMRAP Ring Rows @ 1010/ Rest 30sec x 4
B: Sprint 100m @ 98% effort/ Walk 2:30 x 4
Click on the number below that corresponds to the week of training you’re in.