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Thanks to Erwan LeCorre for taking time to answer audience questions in our #RealKnowledge Twitter chat! If you missed it, here are some of the reader questions we received during the chat and Erwan’s answers.
1. How can supplementing MovNat workouts with intense lifting (ala CrossFit) help or hurt progress? Too much?
- That鈥檚 assuming that intense lifting is not part of MovNat training. But it is, so no supplement needed.
- MovNat training does include lifting heavy loads, and doing it at high intensity. That’s not CrossFit monopoly. 馃槈
2. Hi Erwan! At what age do you feel it’s appropriate to load the movements if your child is practicing MovNat?
- All children load movements spontaneously as they start moving stuff around (pushing, pulling, lifting, carrying).
- Manipulation skills are part of natural movement abilities. How much you encourage to load is another question.
- How much is too much, how much is enough…those are questions that have no one-size-fits-all answer.
- You’re trying to apply a S&C approach to a ten-year-old boy who mostly needs move his body to be healthy.
- Encourage him to move more, freely, adaptively, and he will develop motor control, strength, conditioning, etc.
- If regimented fitness regimens are boring even to adults, do you think your son will stick to it?
- Unlearn, relearn, unlearn again…do it multiple times until you find the way that’s best for you.
3. What are your favorite three strength moves?
- Heavy squats, deadlifts, muscle-ups, though the latter is more a matter of power than just strength.
4. Would you make a distinction between MovNat and “functional fitness?
- Let me put it this way: functional fitness isn’t always practical, but practical fitness is always functional.
- You can train “functional” fitness in a gym and never actually crawl, climb, jump, etc., in realistic ways.
- If you will, MovNat is functional fitness on steroids.
5. Is it better to practice Deep Squat with heels off the ground, or stance wider with feet splayed?
- If your heels are off the ground it’s not a deep squat, but a deep knee bend, which is different.
- Keep your heels on the ground, both feet pointing forward, stance about shoulder width.
- To fix the squat, don’t look at the squat only, look at all the simple movements you’ve stopped doing.
6. How do outdoor MovNat workouts compare to functional training in the gym? More difficult?
- MovNat outdoors provides a higher challenge in term of movement adaptability because of environmental complexity.
- This being said, beginners should start training MovNat in controlled environments (indoors or outdoors) for safety.
7. Is there a method you use to minimize bruising and abrasions you may acquire during a workout?
- The method is simple: TECHNIQUE. Efficient and mindful movement prevents a lot of abrasion and bruises.
- But if you really want to avoid these then you just need to wear more clothing or practice indoors. 馃槈
8. How does one overcome fear and the tendency to overthink movements?
- Managing fear is a matter of progression in environmental complexity. We’re not jackasses.
- You must build up both physical competence and self-confidence gradually, not try crazy stuff that scares you.
- Mindfulness is the antidote to overthinking movement. Mindfulness means you’re fully aware without thinking.
9. Training programming – did it follow a pattern or was it a focus on weaknesses to achieve near equalization?
- Systematically addressing weaknesses to achieve near equalization of skills – looks like a pattern to me. 馃槈
10. As a beginner, do you recommend the use of bare feet?
- Absolutely, but it depends on what surface, how much, the movements involved, etc.
11. Is there much overlap between MovNat and something like Feldenkrais?
- Not much. We believe most postural issues will be addressed and fixed by quality, efficient, varied movement.
- You can fix a postural issue isolatedly, get some results, but are they sustainable without a proper lifestyle?
- And it’s a beautiful thing that has helped many.
- I think that ease in the day to day movements of a “normal” lifestyle may not be enough…
- Because modern lifestyles are significantly impoverished in term of movement scope and variety. Make sense?
12. Do you ever hold your MovNat certifications outdoors?
- It is not primarily the fact that movement is done indoors vs. outdoors that matters most, but how you move.
13. MovNat is a different fitness paradigm. How do you address the vanity argument? ex. “I want big guns.”
- I don’t. People want big guns, beach ready bods? I can’t do much for them because they’re missing the point.
- It’s hard to convince a body-builder to embrace yoga or the other way around. Mindset, perception..
14. How many days per week do you MovNat?
- Every day, every other day, once a week? Often, regularly. There’s no rule. How often do you want to ;)?
15. Is there going to be an actual indoor MovNat facility besides your private one?
- We have several affiliates already (US, Europe, Asia), and they all have MovNat indoors gym.
16. I’ve enjoyed adding MovNat workouts in nature but I’m used to CrossFit’s measurables – any tips on tracking progress?
- MovNat programming does involve measurement of progress, only that it is more individualized.
- Also, not all valuable progress is measurable. Lots of the progress made in MovNat can only be observed, or felt.
17. Movnat philosophy is holistic: broader than just exercise. sleep, diet, social, timetables, attitudes..?
- Yes, it is.