In 2007, ESPN ran a story about the rich talent pool coming from the region they call Muck City. Located on the banks of Lake Okeechobee in the Florida Everglades, Muck City features two towns: Belle Glade ... Continue Reading
Search Results for: how to watch
Sprinting Basics for Strength Athletes
Training heavy for strength sports and running have often been thought of as contrary objectives. Many athletes have avoided sprints like the plague because of fears they would slow or stop their gains in ... Continue Reading
Daily Groundwork for a Stronger Squat
Mobility is like going to the dentist. No one likes it, but dental health is essential for your wellbeing, as is making sure your hips, shoulders, or ankles have the appropriate range of motion for safe ... Continue Reading
Real Food Isn’t Complicated
Most of what people eat doesn't qualify as real food. Real food is nutritious. It should help the body repair itself and supply energy. It should taste good. Simply put, real food comes either from ... Continue Reading
How to Treat Kettlebell Lifter’s Elbow
As a competitor I have been watching the growth of kettlebell sport in the UK since 2011, and as an osteopath I have watched the injuries of the lifters involved develop and change radically. Complaints in ... Continue Reading
Athletic Training for Pre-Adolescents
I’m often approached by parents of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students who wonder if resistance training is safe to start with their son or daughter. In short, the answer is yes. But doing it right ... Continue Reading
4 Principles to Master the Rowing Machine
Rowing is one of the most beneficial movements the human body can perform. Get it right, and there's nothing more physiologically demanding on earth. In its purest form rowing is about using your body to ... Continue Reading
Stop Contemplating and Start Doing
Too many people who are contemplating changing their nutrition program or adding an exercise component jump in too fast. Or they don’t jump at all, because the cliff is scary, with visions of egg whites ... Continue Reading
Increasing Fitness in the Other 162 Hours
I recently shared a few of my go-to programs for endurance and strength. When combined, these programs will take you about an hour a day for six days a week. But what you do with the other 162 hours of ... Continue Reading
How to Master the Kettlebell Jerk
In my previous article, The Single Most Important Aspect of Kettlebell Sport, I spoke about the importance of efficiency in kettlebell sport and explained how to achieve a more efficient rack position. Now ... Continue Reading
Prepare for Life’s Challenges: Train Martial Arts
My Sifu grew up on the wrong side of the tracks without many opportunities or much family support. But one thing he learned is that no matter what hand you’ve been dealt, you always have the ability to ... Continue Reading
Dave Matthews, the Elliptical Machine, and the Haters
There are a few things in my day that are truly mine. And when I say “mine,” what I’m talking about are those blocks of time that belong to me and me alone. There’s my seventeen-minute drive to and from ... Continue Reading
How to Train for Strongman at Any Gym
Strongman events are unlike other strength sports because they don't have set movements or events. There was a time when events were unannounced prior to a strongman competition. Folks would find out what ... Continue Reading
You’re Not Overtraining, You’re Under-Recovering
“Overtraining” is a buzzword that is tossed around the fitness community. It’s the result of pushing your body past its threshold, and it causes symptoms like fatigue, apathy towards workouts, persistent ... Continue Reading
Life Lessons From the Weight Room
The growth in maturity and confidence I have seen in the young athletes I coach has led me to believe all students should have some training in lifting. As I’ve stated before, society should creatively and ... Continue Reading
Programming for Snowflakes
If someone told you that everyone should follow exactly the same training program from now until doomsday, you’d probably dismiss them as a crank, and you’d be right to do so. "Everyone is different” is a ... Continue Reading
Don’t Race Your Training: Middle Distance Running Repeats
“Don’t race your training.” It’s solid advice for any athlete at any level. The all-out, seeing-stars, can’t-remember-your-name efforts should always be reserved for competition, no matter what your ... Continue Reading
3 of the Best: This Week’s Top Articles, Vol. 29
Welcome to our weekend roundup, Three of the Best! Every Sunday, we'll post up Breaking Muscle's top three articles of the week. These pieces have caught your attention throughout the last seven days. So ... Continue Reading
A New Age Foundation for Life-Long Bodybuilding
For many, bodybuilding workouts are a gateway into the world of strength training. People who want to build muscle, get lean, and look good often start by aspiring to look like the massive bodybuilder on ... Continue Reading
Talent Doesn’t Lift Weights, You Do: Ignite Your Motivation
In the first installment of this series, we learned about myelin, the neural insulator critical to the development of skill, and examined how to stimulate its growth with deep practice in your ... Continue Reading
Of Muscles and Might: The Lead-In Program
I don’t train to just “get fit.” I want to get strong, tough, and thicken-up my body. We are all in an ongoing to fight to get strong and stay that way for as long as we can. Many studies point to ... Continue Reading
Need Speed? A 5-Gear System to Become a Faster Runner
Speed thrills. Watching an athlete chase down an opponent, or dash away from someone chasing them, is an iconic and exhilarating element of sport around the world. An athlete with acceleration to burn will ... Continue Reading
Ready for Rugby: Exercises for Injury Prevention
The rugby season is nearly over. If you’ve been lucky enough to remain injury free so far, I’d wager you’re being held together by physio tape and painkillers. My hat goes off to you if you are still going ... Continue Reading
How to Fix A Good Morning-Style Squat
You hit the gym. You’re feeling strong, pumped, and ready to attack a new squat PB. But as you unrack the bar, descend to the bottom of the squat, and turn the power on to drive back up, the unthinkable ... Continue Reading