Researchers from Swinburne's Centre for Human Psychopharmacology write in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease about the mechanisms underlying cognitive performance in older people living independently and ... Continue Reading
How to Calculate Your Fitness Age (Though Your True Age Is an Attitude)
“Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you if you’re young at heart.” Frank Sinatra “Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you if you’re young at heart.” Frank ... Continue Reading
Aging Is B.S. – The Myth Of Missed Opportunities
Never tell me you're too old. Never tell me it's because you're aging that you're fat, sore, achy, can't recover, not as strong, not as fit, or... The list of excuses laid at the feet of aging is maddening ... Continue Reading
Sixteen Going on Sixty – Fitness in Decline for the Young
A recently released study found that teens today have the same activity levels as 60-year-olds. At an age when they should be on their way to their physical prime, they are instead entrenched in lifestyles ... Continue Reading
You Can Build Muscle After 40
The 40-something crowd today is more active than ever. And I don’t mean slow strolls on the treadmill, or lifting tiny, colorful dumbbells at the neighborhood wellness center. Many quadragenarians are ... Continue Reading
Eccentric Strength to Fight the Aging Process
Every effective program—those for high-level athletes, the average Joe, or those getting on in years—will include at least a partial focus on eccentric loading. The eccentric portion of a movement is the ... Continue Reading
Not as Good as I Once Was: Training in Your 30s and Beyond
The next time you go to the gym, strike up a conversation with anyone who meets one or both of the following criteria: 35 years old or older Has children Note: This is a lot of ... Continue Reading
Facing the Second Half of Your Fitness Life
“The professional does not permit himself to become hidebound with one incarnation, however comfortable or successful. Like a transmigrating soul, he shucks his outworn body and dons a new one. He ... Continue Reading
Reflections on Being 30 (And the Dumb S*#! I Did in My 20s)
I turned thirty in April. While I’m far from old, I can feel the difference in my body compared to ten years ago. Some joints are achier. I stay hurt longer. Weight comes off more slowly. Hardly ... Continue Reading
The 5 Training Mistakes You Need to Avoid After 35
Aging, if done correctly, is full of beauty, comedy, wisdom and enlightenment. It’s a great ride with plenty of ups and downs. You can save yourself years of trouble, pain, and calamity by accepting that ... Continue Reading
Coming to Terms With Being an Aging Athlete
You just hit [insert age here]. You don't see yourself as over the hill, but you’re not exactly a teenager anymore, either. You've been an athlete, or active in some way for the majority of your life, and ... Continue Reading
The Training Solution for the 40+ Athlete
Life is funny. You start off unable to look after yourself, and then after decades of doing so revert back to needing someone’s help again. This circle of life got me thinking about how things change as we ... Continue Reading