With Alzheimer's on the rise and expected to nearly triple in incidence by 2050, it's amazing how many people continue to hit the gym with the same goals they've always had: a smaller waist, bigger biceps, ... Continue Reading
Why You Should Try Something Entirely New This Year
Are your new year’s resolutions based on reigniting the same old routines? Consider trying something entirely new this year. It may be intimidating, but trying new things can open your eyes to unexplored ... Continue Reading
Six Easy Ways to Enhance Your Brain Health
Have you ever gone into the kitchen and can’t remember why? Or you can’t remember someone’s name while speaking to them? You may have missed an appointment because it slipped your mind. Have ... Continue Reading
Improve a Child’s Grades With Exercise
In the passing years, we are seeing more schools having to make budgetary cuts to get by. Pinching pennies by eliminating particular courses or not investing time and money in certain areas of education ... Continue Reading
10 Scientifically Proven Ways Exercise Is Good for Your Brain
Anyone that has even a cursory interest in exercise science, including weekend warriors who want little more than beach abs, knows that the nervous system is an important aspect of training. Sure, the ... Continue Reading
4 Easy Tips for a Happy, Healthy Brain
When you’re a kid or, better yet, a toddler, your parents buy you all kinds of toys to help stimulate brain development, so you don’t end up only counting to “potato.” They buy us building blocks so we can ... Continue Reading