It’s important to lift with your legs and not your back. Yes, yes, and yes. We have heard this message ten thousand times and it is the cardinal rule in movement. But it is so easy to reach down like an ... Continue Reading
The Kettlebell Swing: Mindful Prescription for Low-Back Rehab
Low back pain and problems exist in a variety of forms, and diagnosis is critical to knowing what the best exercise is to create the best outcome. After diagnosis, there is still a skill in knowing what to ... Continue Reading
5 Steps to Safely Train Around Lower Back Pain
True veterans of the iron game who have clocked enough hours under some heavy-ass loads know that lower back injuries are a frustrating part of the game. If you think this doesn’t apply to you, think ... Continue Reading
How to Stop Your Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain afflicts approximately eight out of every ten people, both those who are sedentary and those who are physically active. The irony of back pain for the athlete is that while movement is what ... Continue Reading
Science Compares Solutions for Low Back Pain
For people with back pain and postural problems, corrective exercise is key. The Lewit, which is an exercise to assist with back pain, was tested recently in a Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research ... Continue Reading
Low Back Pain: A Guide for Coaches and Athletes on Anatomy, Types, and Treatment
When I practiced massage therapy, clients frequently came to me seeking treatment for lower back pain. Now, as a coach, I see that coaches will encounter many athletes with back pain, as well. In order to ... Continue Reading
The Rabbit Hole of Back Pain: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You to Know
“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” - ... Continue Reading
Myths About Disc Bulges: They Are Not Forever – But Training Is
<strong">Everyone has his or her own expertise in life. For some people they are experts in sitting on the couch with a TV remote and the pizza restaurant on speed dial, others win Olympic Gold. ... Continue Reading
Heal Your Lower Back Pain With These 5 Yoga Poses
In the United States lower back pain is one of most common complaints. The Mayo Clinic states that most people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Lower back pain is experienced by ... Continue Reading
How to Return to Training After a Low Back Injury
So, you’ve had a back injury, and now you’re itching to get back in the gym to squat and get a solid workout. Pump the breaks. Injuries are no joke. They are your body’s way of sounding an alarm, telling ... Continue Reading
Get the Low Down on Your Low Back
Low back pain is one of the most common neurological ailments in the United States, second only to headaches, says the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Learn how to treat and ... Continue Reading