Have you ever been driving down the interstate when it occurred to you that a sharp turn of the steering wheel in either direction would send you and your cargo flipping to an early grave? Not a pleasant ... Continue Reading
I Wish I Could Do That
Recently, I made the transition to a bike commuting lifestyle. While I had often professed a desire to bike to work more often, the modest inconvenience of this deviation usually prompted me to drive. By ... Continue Reading
The Holy Trinity of Holistic Training
Ever feel overwhelmed by all the details that go into your training? Not just the ones you’re already paying attention to, but all the “Top 5,” Top 10,” and “Top 10,000” things you should be doing, but ... Continue Reading
Rekindle the Lost Virtue of Toughness
Over the past few decades, toughness has gotten a bad rap. It has been caricatured as an archaic, grumpy old man, and correlated with anger, pessimism, and grumblings about “back in my day.” It’s often ... Continue Reading
Athletes Have More Mental Toughness – In and Out of the Gym
Mental toughness has been described as one of the most important characteristics of success in athletic endeavors. However, defining mental toughness is a bit more difficult. One of the first definitions ... Continue Reading
Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations: Mind Training Strategies From Gym Jones
At Gym Jones the most important aspect of our overall training philosophy is that the mind is primary. While incredible changes may occur in a person's body, we are most concerned with the changes that ... Continue Reading