Photo by Bev Childress Photo by Bev Childress Everyone needs to lift more, but women may need to plan for a longer term commitment to strength training than even men. That may be the takeaway ... Continue Reading
Big Heavy Squats Can Help Treat and Prevent Osteoporosis
Bone density is one of the primary factors involved in bone health, and it changes as the result of several stimuli, including activity level. One of the most deleterious and well-known factors in regards ... Continue Reading
Good News For Women’s Bones: Exercise Increases IGF-1, Decreases Sclerostin
New research from a study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism suggests physical activity for premenopausal women is very beneficial to bone health. ... Continue Reading
Being Active Strengthens Your Bones – For Men, Too
All men (and women for that matter) grow old; it’s inevitable. However, men do not have to necessarily become feeble. A new study performed at the University of Gothenburg, in Sweden suggests that young ... Continue Reading
Women and Bone Health: 4 Ways to Build Stronger Bones
I have a confession to make: during college I smoked a pack a day and on many occasions drank well over the recommended one alcoholic beverage per day. Leafy green vegetables and dairy products weren’t ... Continue Reading