Athletes have a lot to worry about. First and foremost is their sport or task. You need to train, practice your sport, engage in recovery practices, and deal with a host of other issues. Diet is obviously ... Continue Reading
Post-Workout Nutrition: 10 Articles To Help You Fuel Your Training
When it comes to making your workouts effective, timing your nutrient intake matters. Here are ten articles to help you navigate the complex world of post-workout nutrition, covering everything from the ... Continue Reading
Eating to Recover: How and What to Eat Post Workout
For years the most important meal of the day has been said to be breakfast, but I believe that to be wrong. I suspect most of the readers here could agree that with all the effort you put into your ... Continue Reading
You May Not Need the Post-Workout Carbs After All
One thing we hear about from supplement companies and people at the gym is the ratio of carbohydrates to protein you need to take after a workout. If you don’t get that insulin spike you won’t be absorbing ... Continue Reading
Pass the Protein Shake: Digging into Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition
Back in 1998, way before I had any inclination to make nutrition a career, I was an overweight college student. When life finally saw fit to get me into the gym, I fell into a routine consisting of daily ... Continue Reading
Rethinking Recovery Nutrition: What You Eat Before Your Workout Affects You Post-Workout
When I talk to nearly anyone who studies sports nutrition and fueling these days, almost inevitably the topic of “nutrient timing” comes up. It is a relatively new way to look at how to provide your body ... Continue Reading