Specificity is an overused training philosophy for most lifters. I know this is a controversial statement in strength training communities, but I'm still not sorry for saying it. It's the truth, and this ... Continue Reading
Stimuli, Strength, Stability: A 3-Point System for Performance Training
If you are a performance athlete, it is likely you are supplementing your sport-specific training with some strength and conditioning in an effort to get stronger and increase your overall fitness. I can ... Continue Reading
How HIIT Affects Power Endurance in Skiers
‘Tis the season for winter sports, and that means many of the skiers I coach have disappeared to focus on their skill work. Those who stick around start asking for specific workouts to help with their ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: Soccer – Week 5, Day 3
This program is intended for soccer players looking to improve their overall strength, muscular endurance, and explosive power. The program is broken down into three four-week periods. Every fourth week, ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: Rugby – Week 6, Day 3
This is a 12-week sport specific program designed for rugby union players. The goal of this program is to increase the athlete’s overall strength while also enabling them to make progress in some explosive ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: Rugby – Week 6, Day 2
This is a 12-week sport specific program designed for rugby union players. The goal of this program is to increase the athlete’s overall strength while also enabling them to make progress in some explosive ... Continue Reading
Specialization Is for Insects: Why Mediocrity Beats the Elite
Reading this article on the dangers of pushing kids in sports made me realize a lot of things. Namely, that I hate attempts to create elite prepubescent athletes. While I will agree there is a need for ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific Training: What Specifically Do You Mean By That?
Sport-Specific Training – The Old Days In my day, sport-specific training - which I don’t believe was even a term at the time - meant becoming more physically fit by strength training, running, and ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: Tennis – Week 8, Day 1
Tennis is a unique sport in that it encompasses many different facets of training. Strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, and balance are aspects that I address when I am writing up a program and ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: Tennis – Week 3, Day 1
Tennis is a unique sport in that it encompasses many different facets of training. Strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, and balance are aspects that I address when I am writing up a program and ... Continue Reading