The warm-up is arguably the most important aspect of any fitness routine. A proper warm-up primes your nervous system and readies your circulatory and muscular systems for the workout ahead. The benefits ... Continue Reading
The Athlete’s Toolbox: Build Your Base With Postural Mechanics
Every day, we, as athletes, dedicate precious time in the gym with the goal of improving our current self. Even if it is 45 minutes slammed in the middle of our busy work day, the time spent in the gym is ... Continue Reading
The Athlete’s Toolbox: The Lost Art of Breathing
Successful athletes are a rare breed. They posses an uncommon work ethic, an ever-growing set of physical skills, and a wide knowledge base regarding their craft. Do not be fooled however, athletic ... Continue Reading
The Athlete’s Toolbox: An Unbeatable Mind
As a coach and gym owner, my goal is to create clients who are successful athletes. Over the years, however, my definition of “successful” has evolved. Originally, I would deem an athlete successful when ... Continue Reading