EDITOR'S NOTE: These workouts are written by Tim Anderson, founder of Original Strength. Tim's goal as a coach is "to set people free through movement." Regain your original strength with this four-week ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: In-Season Baseball – Week 9, Day 1
If you're a baseball player and you expect to maintain your off-season gains, maximize your recovery, and reduce your risk of injury, then you need to have a solid in-season training program as well. You ... Continue Reading
Gymnastics Workout: Cycle 3, Week 9, Day 2
The third cycle of the Gymnastics Workouts will focus on progression with repetition. What makes a gymnast so good at their sport is repetition of skills. To become better and stronger at a particular ... Continue Reading
Strongman: Cycle 4, Week 5, Day 1
Welcome to the fourth cycle of Strongman workouts. Before we get started, let me answer some basic questions. Who is this program intended for? This strongman program is intended for: ... Continue Reading
Mommy Workout: Second Trimester, Cycle 2 – Week 25, Day 1
This cycle of pregnancy workouts is designed for women who have previous experience with strength training and yoga and want to integrate a range of exercise modalities. The second trimester workouts ... Continue Reading
Gymnastics Workout: Cycle 3, Week 9, Day 1
The third cycle of the Gymnastics Workouts will focus on progression with repetition. What makes a gymnast so good at their sport is repetition of skills. To become better and stronger at a particular ... Continue Reading
Strength & Conditioning: Tim Anderson, Week 4, Day 1
EDITOR'S NOTE: These workouts are written by Tim Anderson, founder of Original Strength. Tim's goal as a coach is "to set people free through movement." Regain your original strength with this four-week ... Continue Reading
Triathlon Workout: Cycle 2 (Olympic Distance) – Week 1, Day 1
Completing a triathlon takes strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility. Triathlon training is balanced, whole-body training. In other sports you may wind up building strength in some areas, while ... Continue Reading
Strongman: Cycle 4, Week 4, Day 3
Welcome to the fourth cycle of Strongman workouts. Before we get started, let me answer some basic questions. Who is this program intended for? This strongman program is intended for: ... Continue Reading
Mommy Workout: Second Trimester, Cycle 2 – Week 24, Day 3
This cycle of pregnancy workouts is designed for women who have previous experience with strength training and yoga and want to integrate a range of exercise modalities. The second trimester workouts ... Continue Reading
Triathlon Workout: Cycle 1 (Sprint Distance) – Week 12, Day 5
Completing a triathlon takes strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility. Triathlon training is balanced, whole-body training. In other sports you may wind up building strength in some areas, while ... Continue Reading
Strength & Conditioning: Tim Anderson, Week 3, Day 2
EDITOR'S NOTE: These workouts are written by Tim Anderson, founder of Original Strength. Tim's goal as a coach is "to set people free through movement." Regain your original strength with this four-week ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: In-Season Baseball – Week 8, Day 2
If you're a baseball player and you expect to maintain your off-season gains, maximize your recovery, and reduce your risk of injury, then you need to have a solid in-season training program as well. You ... Continue Reading
Gymnastics Workout: Cycle 3, Week 8, Day 4
The third cycle of the Gymnastics Workouts will focus on progression with repetition. What makes a gymnast so good at their sport is repetition of skills. To become better and stronger at a particular ... Continue Reading
Strongman: Cycle 4, Week 4, Day 2
Welcome to the fourth cycle of Strongman workouts. Before we get started, let me answer some basic questions. Who is this program intended for? This strongman program is intended for: ... Continue Reading
Mommy Workout: Second Trimester, Cycle 2 – Week 24, Day 2
This cycle of pregnancy workouts is designed for women who have previous experience with strength training and yoga and want to integrate a range of exercise modalities. The second trimester workouts ... Continue Reading
Gymnastics Workout: Cycle 3, Week 8, Day 3
The third cycle of the Gymnastics Workouts will focus on progression with repetition. What makes a gymnast so good at their sport is repetition of skills. To become better and stronger at a particular ... Continue Reading
Sport Specific: In-Season Baseball – Week 8, Day 1
If you're a baseball player and you expect to maintain your off-season gains, maximize your recovery, and reduce your risk of injury, then you need to have a solid in-season training program as well. You ... Continue Reading
Gymnastics Workout: Cycle 3, Week 8, Day 2
The third cycle of the Gymnastics Workouts will focus on progression with repetition. What makes a gymnast so good at their sport is repetition of skills. To become better and stronger at a particular ... Continue Reading
Mommy Workout: Second Trimester, Cycle 2 – Week 24, Day 1
This cycle of pregnancy workouts is designed for women who have previous experience with strength training and yoga and want to integrate a range of exercise modalities. The second trimester workouts ... Continue Reading
Strongman: Cycle 4, Week 4, Day 1
Welcome to the fourth cycle of Strongman workouts. Before we get started, let me answer some basic questions. Who is this program intended for? This strongman program is intended for: ... Continue Reading
Frogman Workouts: Cycle 7, Week 1, Day 1
These workouts are designed by All-American swimmer and world record holder Hannah Caldas. She swims 4,000 meters per day, 2 hours per day, 6 days a week. Hannah has designed these workouts to increase ... Continue Reading
Gymnastics Workout: Cycle 3, Week 8, Day 1
The third cycle of the Gymnastics Workouts will focus on progression with repetition. What makes a gymnast so good at their sport is repetition of skills. To become better and stronger at a particular ... Continue Reading
Strength & Conditioning: Tim Anderson, Week 3, Day 1
EDITOR'S NOTE: These workouts are written by Tim Anderson, founder of Original Strength. Tim's goal as a coach is "to set people free through movement." Regain your original strength with this four-week ... Continue Reading