Yoga Sequences for Travel will help support you before, during, and after your travels. Whether you are driving or flying, these sequences will help with digestion, circulation, jet lag, and recovery. The Travel yoga sequences with be programmed three days per week; two yoga classes and one meditation practice.
Week 4, Day 1
Post-Travel Grounding Practice *short sequence
2 minutes in each pose
Pigeon Pose Right Side
Cow’s Face Pose Right Side
Pigeon Pose Left Side
Cow’s Face Pose Left Side
Wide Legged Forward Bend
Cobbler’s Pose
Week 4, Day 2
Post-Travel Grounding Practice *long sequence
10x Seated Spinal Rolls
Seated Twist * to each side
Seated Side Body Bend * to each side
10x Seated Spinal Circles *to each side
2 minutes in each pose
Pigeon Pose Right Side
Cowface Pose Right Side
Pigeon Pose Left Side
Cow’s Face Pose Left Side
Wide Legged Forward Bend
Cobbler’s Pose
Hero’s Pose
Seated Wide Legged Forward Bend
Legs Up the Wall *10-15 minutes
Week 4, Day 3
“When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath”.
~Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika~
Basic Breathing Meditation
First find a quiet place, get comfortable and close your eyes.
Allow yourself to relax as you notice your breathing: follow your breath as you breathe in and follow your breath as you breathe out.
Empty your mind from all distractions.
Continue to follow your breath in and follow your breath out as you behind to relax the mind.
Gradually slow down and deepen your breathing so you are breathing more slowly, more easily and more deeply.
Feel your chest rise as you breathe in and reach even more deeply into your lungs. Feel your breath lengthen as you gently exhale and relax more fully.
Raise your abdomen as you breathe more deeply. Feel yourself relaxing more and more as you breathe.
“6 Count Breath Technique”
Begin to breathe using a count of 6
Breathe in to a count of 6.
Hold your breath to a count of 6.
Breathe out to a count of 6.
Hold empty for a count of 6.
Feel yourself relax deeply.
Stay here with this breathing pattern for 5-10 minutes.
Notice the effects of this breathing practice on your stress levels and sense of well being.