If you’re a fan of the Convict Conditioning book and DVD series, or of bodyweight training in general, you would be interested to know that this popular series from Dragon Door now includes a log book. The Ultimate Bodyweight Training Log is offered by Paul “Coach” Wade as a supplement to his Convict Conditioning program.
The book opens by stating the importance of log books in relation to progress. Keeping track of your goals and work is an important part of success as an athlete. The book starts with a few words of wisdom and then launches into over two hundred pages of the meat and potatoes, the log itself. After that there are a few charts and progression logs. Overall, it’s a very simple design that I like.
In the log section, each time you turn the page you get a page for the log itself and a page with a bit of exercise wisdom or inspiration. There are over one hundred days worth of logs, each with bonus advice of some kind. As it is, the book will last most people six months to a year.
The half dozen workouts presented are solid and basic bodyweight workouts with a progression from beginner to advanced. You can also use the progression charts at the end of the book to formulate your own plan to take your bodyweight routine to the next level. If you’re like me and are always paging through your Convict Conditioning book trying to find the pages with the progression numbers, these charts in this log book are a welcome resource.
I’m a fan of the simplicity and straightforward nature of this log book. Some readers may prefer a more stylized log book with more information, like the CrossFit-focused WODbooks. However, personally, I find this one less confining albeit a bit too expensive.
The “Convict Conditioning Ultimate Bodyweight Training Log” is available for $29.95 at DragonDoor.com.