I started the week with an upper body circuit. I used 130lb for military presses, 140lb for inclines, 150lb for narrow grip pulls, and 35lb for curls. I did four circuits.
Back to clean and jerks and the combos. I did a combination of power cleans and clean and jerk, starting with 50kg, 70kg, and 90kg for two sets with that combination. I jumped to 110kg for one set and then 120kg for four sets, finishing off with clean and jerk with 125kg. On the first set I missed the jerk, and on the second set, missed the clean as I pulled it out a little too far in front. On the third set, I made the clean and jerk.
Wednesday: Back Squats
My legs were a little tired, but no discomfort anywhere during warm up. Started with 20kg for a solid two sets of six. I jumped to 70kg for two sets of six reps, then on to 100kg and 120kg for one set each. I finished off with 140kg for two sets of six, a set of four, and a set of two stop squats. The two stop squats were quite comfortable.
I’m starting to get confidence back in my leg strength. I did speed squats to test my groin, with two sets of ten reps. I had absolutely no problem and did them quite easily. It’s a good day. Yay, me!
Thursday: Physiotherapy
I worked my wrist, and was feeling fairly comfortable. There was no swelling, and the scaphoid has disappeared back into my wrist. I spent Thursday evening doing my warm up protocol.
Friday: Circuit Day
Sixty minutes, 35 minutes on, 25 minutes off. This was very hard – no, it was really hard. Did I tell you how hard it was? Again, the wrist and groin felt pretty good, even though it was really, really hard.
I did my warm up routine but tweaked my right glute, so decided I was going to spend the rest of the time trying to settle that down.
Sunday: Snatch
My right glute was still a little tender, but I decided I was going to try and do some snatch work. I wanted to see if I could make adjustments to accommodate some level of work. I started off with snatch pulls, power snatch, and snatch, doing two sets with 30kg and two sets with 35kg and 50kg. From 60kg, I took 5kg jumps all the way to 90kg.
My glute felt okay in the pull and power snatch, but it was a little tender at the bottom position of each full snatch. I don’t think it was too serious. Finished off with snatch pull, 110kg for two sets of five, then power snatch at 75kg and 80kg for a set of five to finish. I was pretty tired.
Terry Hadlow got started in Olympic weightlifting in 1970 and is the only Canadian to have competed in senior nationals in five different decades – 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s. Follow Terry’s journal here to learn about his approach to training and competing.