EDITOR’S NOTE: The “Train Like An Old-time Strongman” program, created by StrongFirst Master Instructor and performing strongman Dave “Iron Tamer” Whitley, teaches you how to train in a sustainable manner for maximum strength with minimal injury risk. Dave’s “no pain, know gain” approach allows him to perform incredible feats of strength consistently and frequently.
You will improve while training within your limits.
In the “Train like An Old-time Strongman” program, the majority of your training will be in the 70-85% range. If you constantly test the limit, you will find it. If you constantly work within your limits and focus on making your practice better and better, then your limits will move without having to push them. This can be a difficult thing to stick with. We hit a new all-time personal record, then we immediately want to see if we can do just a little more.
Focus on doing better, not doing more.
I recommend focusing on doing just a little better instead of a little more. Remember: your goal is to get stronger, not make yourself tired or sore. With this in mind I have put together this four-week program for you. It keeps with the idea of practice and making incremental progress. Treat it like a performance. Give this program a try and let me know how it goes.
Week One, Day One
3 Rounds:
Pull up: bodyweight only for 2-3 reps
Getup: one rep per side
Zercher squat: 70% of your 1 rep maximum for 5 reps
One-arm kettlebell press: 70% of your 1 rep maximum for 5 reps
Two-hand kettlebell swing: 10 reps with a heavy kettlebell to a comfortable stop, focus on being explosive
Week One, Day Two
3 Rounds:
Deadlift: 70% of your 1 rep maximum for 5 reps
Dips: bodyweight only for 3-5 reps
One-arm row: 5 reps per side
Kettlebell snatch: 5 reps per side with your 8 rep max
Plate curls: 3-5 reps per side
Week One, Day Three
4 Rounds:
Pull up: bodyweight only for 2-3 reps
Getup: one rep per side
Zercher squat: 70% of your 1 rep maximum for 5 reps
One-arm kettlebell press: 70% of your 1 rep maximum for 5 reps
Two-hand kettlebell swing: 10 reps with a heavy kettlebell to a comfortable stop, focus on being explosive