Every Sunday we post the “Sunday Seven” so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. This week: gender stereotypes, training advice, an interview with Emily Kwok, the power of community, and more!
1. This One’s For the Butch Girls (Becca Borawski)
I’ve only been to one Pilates class in my life. I’ve also only been referred to as “butch” one time in my life. Well, one time to my face. What if gyms were free of such alienating judgements?
2. The Training Equation: Not as Simple as Work + Rest (Andrew Read)
Most people think Training = Work + Rest. But it’s a bit more complicated than that. Our bodies are complicated, and aging, machines. I’ve figured out the real, successful training equation.
3. Interview With Emily Kwok: Leading the Way For Women in BJJ (Sally Aresnault)
When Emily Kwok first started BJJ there weren’t other women around. After becoming Canada’s 1st black belt woman, she’s now giving back to women and little guys through her camps and DVDs.
4. Featured Coach: Erwan Le Corre, Part 2 – Freedom of Movement and Mind (Becca Borawski)
Erwan talks about the difference between MovNat and parkour. He also discusses in depth how freedom of movement equates to freedom of mind and freedom in your life.
5. Reevaluating Communal Health in the Wake of Tragedy (Danette “Dizzle” Rivera)
What can I do to make my community healthier? How can I inspire others to do so as well? Do we care for our sick and our wounded? Do we nurture our environment and food sources that take care of us?
6. Intervention: Course Corrections for the Trainer and Athlete (Book Excerpt) (Dan John)
When discussing the quadrants, Quadrant Three often gets a bad rap. Let me explain why Q3 is actually great and appropriate for most of us, but how it is also a delicate balance of training.
7. Virtuosity With Dusty Hyland – Gymnastics, Vol. 7: The Transition (Dusty Hyland)
The transition is where most people struggle in the muscle up. Learn how to properly execute the transition as well as drills you can use to build and strengthen this technique.