Every Sunday we post the “Sunday Seven” so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. This week’s diverse list of hot topics covers community gardens, yoga for runners, ankle and lower back injury, barefoot running, and Turbo Dog!
1. Down in the Dirt Series: Part 2 – Community Gardens, From Beginning to Present (Danette “Dizzle” Rivera)
Community gardens were originally born out of the financial crisis of the Depression, but now they are growing in popularity due to concerns over food quality. How can you participate?
2. 25 Yoga Poses That Will Make You a Better Runner (Willow Ryan)
It is absolutely NOT true that yoga and running can’t be done together. In fact they complement each other. Read for a list of 25 poses plus one video on stretches that are good for runners.
3. Train Hard, Go Easy – Balancing Work, Rest, and Play (Melissa Joulwan)
Until fairly recently, “More is better” was my training mantra. But low-grade injuries and a thyroid-adrenal meltdown forced me to reconsider. Here are 5 ways I balance work, rest, and play.
4. 6 Steps to Heal Your Low Back Injury (Traver H. Boehm)
So you’ve done it, you pulled too hard with a rounded back on that last deadlift, or waited one second too long before tapping. You’re a CrossFitter or BJJ with a hurt low back. Now what?
5. 2 Rules for Beginning Barefoot Running (And Avoiding Injury) (Andrew Read)
You’re ready to become an urban Tarahumara and run barefoot effortlessly along the trails, injury free and as nature intended…but now you’ve injured yourself. How do you avoid this?
6. Ankle Injuries: The Secret to Preventing and Healing Them (Brandi Ross)
The ankle, when injured, loses its sense of proprioception quickly. The recovery can be tricky. Taking a global approach to rehabilitation leads to getting back to activity sooner and stronger.
7. Find Your Warrior’s Path Through Turbo Dog (Willow Ryan)
At first attempt, Turbo Dog may seem like nothing more than a good triceps and latissimus dorsi challenge. Hold longer and it will serenade ego and spirit to meet. Meet Turbo Dog!