Every Sunday we post the “Sunday Seven” so you can quickly see the seven most popular articles of the week. This week’s most popular posts cover pull up tips, steroid use within CrossFit, hamstring flexibility, the concept of torque, gluten-free lifestyle, snatching too much, and deep squats!
1. Coach, I Can’t Do Pull Ups: 7 Tips to Get You There (Jeff Kuhland)
There are tons of pull up strategies out there, but not all of them are getting you stronger. Here are seven tips for achieving that beautiful, dead-hang pull up.
2. The Truth About Steroid Use in CrossFit: Don’t Ever Assume (Amber Larsen)
I do not believe that every person in CrossFit is using steroids. The reason for this I hope can be explained in this article about natural hormone increases brought on by heavy resistance training.
3. Help for Your Shortie Hamstrings (Brooke Thomas)
My hamstrings and I have had a long and troubled relationship. Here’s what I’ve discovered on the road to functional hamstrings, along with a video of my very favorite hamstrings lengthening stretch.
4. Why Athletes Need to Understand the Concept of Torque (Meghan Hackler)
The concept of torque is a foundation of human movement and is a core principle in physical therapy, personal training, and weightlifting.
5. 10 Ways to Go Gluten-Free, Get Lean, and Stay That Way (Jeremy Scott)
Some of you might not know exactly what “gluten free” means or what the benefits could possibly be, so here is a quick intro on the gluten-free lifestyle, as I like to call it.
6. Snatch By Numbers: Why You’re Snatching Too Much and Too Often (Andrew Read)
Yes, the snatch is a tremendous full-body lift, and yes, it displays great strength and athleticism. But why are you trying to do it so much? Do you know how little the Russians actually did it?
7. Deeper Squats Win Again (Jeff Barnett)
In a recent study researchers wondered whether quarter or parallel squats would activate PAP most. Once again, deeper squats seem to be the winner.
Photo provided by Miguel Tapia Images and CrossFit LA.