Mass information in the fitness industry is a beautiful thing; it enables coaches and the general population to learn at a high rate. However, mass information can also lead to mass confusion. Figuring out ... Continue Reading
Is Your Sport Killing Your Athletic Potential?
The nature of elite sport dictates that athletes must become increasingly specialized in order to succeed. But are these athletes making themselves less athletic in the process? If you’ve hung out ... Continue Reading
7 Ways to Build Real Self-Esteem in Youth Athletes
Getting away from the participation ribbons and trophies (specifically referencing the child who never makes practices/games until the day when ribbons and trophies are handed out), the false encouragement ... Continue Reading
8 Must Haves for Your Gym Bag
Just the other week, I wrote about the ten items you need to have to build a good home gym. Now, what about the rest of you, who are members of a gym? The question for you is – what items do you need to ... Continue Reading