There’s no denying that emergency service workers need to maintain a high level of fitness for the job. The physical demands they may encounter at a moment’s notice can be extreme, so what better way to ... Continue Reading
Are You Fit Enough to Fight Fire? Training for Heat Acclimation
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, between 1977 and 2012 there were 4,410 firefighter fatalities. Three-quarters of those deaths occurred during a time other than an on-scene fire and were ... Continue Reading
Life After the Academy: Remember Why You Workout
The day is finally here. You have worked so hard for the last six months and are finally out of the academy. Prepared, in the best shape of your life, and ready to be a hero. Little did you know that you ... Continue Reading
3 Workouts for Firefighters: How to Handle Fitness On- and Off-Duty
In my last article, I talked about the importance of firefighters maintaining good physical and mental shape. But how is this even possible if you’re stuck in a firehouse for 24 hours surrounded by a cake ... Continue Reading